Set sub-module CanvasCycleVDP
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
[submodule "APICycleVDP"]
[submodule "APICycleVDP"]
path = APICycleVDP
path = APICycleVDP
url =
url =
[submodule "CanvasCycleVDP"]
path = CanvasCycleVDP
url =
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit bd4c9b8e67a6df02683728a9ee50a2712f173476
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
* Bootstrap Reboot v4.6.0 (
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/*# */
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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* Bootstrap Reboot v4.6.0 (
* Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors
* Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (
* Forked from Normalize.css, licensed MIT (
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/*# */
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
function BlinkStatus(x, y, w, h) {
//Основной прямоугольник
var rAll = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
//Массив цветов статусов
var statColor = [];
//Текущий статус
var status = -1;
/*Проценты поднимаются снизу вверх (false)
*или слева направо (true)*/
var rotate = false;
/*Функции для работы с координатами
* основного прямоугольника */
this.X = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().X();
this.Y = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().Y();
this.W = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().W();
this.H = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().H();
//Установка статуса от -1 до (кол-во элементов в массиве статусов - 1)
this.Status = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return status;
var v = parseInt(val);
status = (isNaN(v) || v < -1) ? -1 :
v >= statColor.length ? (statColor.length - 1) : v;
//Количество статусов
this.StatCount = function () {
return statColor.length;
//Функция изменения начальной координаты и размеров прямоугольника
this.RectParam = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
rAll.RectParam(_x, _y, _w, _h);
//Функция изменения прямоугольника по другому прямоугольнику
this.Rect = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll;
//Изменение направления отрисовки текста
this.Rotate = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rotate;
rotate = (typeof val === 'boolean') ? val : false;
//Установка нового статуса
this.AddStatus = function (index, color) {
if (color === undefined) color = '#000';
var c = color.match(/^#([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6})$/i);
c = (c === null) ? '#000000' : c[0];
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx > statColor.length - 1)
statColor.splice(idx, 0, c);
//Изменение статуса
this.ChangeStatus = function (index, color) {
if (color === undefined) color = '#000';
var c = color.match(/^#([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6})$/i);
c = (c === null) ? '#000000' : c[0];
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (!isNaN(idx) && idx >= 0 && idx < statColor.length)
statColor.splice(idx, 1, c);
//Удаление статуса
this.DelStatus = function (index) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (!isNaN(idx) && idx >= 0 && idx < statColor.length)
statColor.splice(idx, 1);
else if (statColor.length > 0)
//Заполнение мигалки по умолчанию
this.BuildDefault = function () {
var defaultColor = ['#00f', '#f00', '#0f0'];
for (var i = 0; i < defaultColor.length; i++)
this.AddStatus(0, defaultColor[i]);
//Печать мигалки
this.Print = function (ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = status >= 0 && status < statColor.length ? statColor[status] : '#ddd';
ctx.fillRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000'; //'#333'
ctx.strokeRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
//Печать текста мигалки
this.PrintText = function (ctx) {
ctx.translate(rAll.X() + rAll.W() / 2, rAll.Y() + rAll.H() / 2);
if (rotate) ctx.rotate(3 * Math.PI / 2);
ctx.fillStyle = '#888';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
if (rotate)
ctx.font = (rAll.W() - 2 < 0 ? 0 : rAll.W() - 2) + 'px Arial';
ctx.font = (rAll.H() - 2 < 0 ? 0 : rAll.H() - 2) + 'px Arial';
ctx.fillText((status + 1) + '/' + statColor.length, 0, 0);
@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
function Diagram(x, y, w, h) {
// \|/Êîíñòàíòû äëÿ ðàñ÷åòîâ\|/ //
//Ðàññòîÿíèå ìåæäó ñòîëáöàìè
var stI = 2;
//Ðàññòîÿíèå ìåæäó ýëåìåíòàìè
var stE = 2;
//Ìèíèìàëüíàÿ øèðèíà ñòîëáöà
var szE = 4;
//Âûñîòà ìèãàëêè
var szB = 10;
//Âûñîòà íîìåðà
var szN = 17;
//Ìèíèìàëüíàÿ âûñîòà ñòàòóñà
var szP = 40;
//Èíòåðâàë îáíîâëåíèÿ
var timeCycle = 1000;
// /|\Êîíñòàíòû äëÿ ðàñ÷åòîâ/|\ //
//Îñíîâíîé ïðÿìîóãîëüíèê
var rAll = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
//Ìàññèâ ýëåìåíòîâ ïîä ïðîöåññû
var rProc = [];
//Ìàññèâ ýëåìåíòîâ ïîä ìèãàëêè
var rBlink = [];
//Ìàññèâ ýëåìåíòîâ ïîä íîìåðà
var rNumb = [];
//Ìàññèâ ýëåìåíòîâ ïîä âðåìÿ íà÷àëà ïðîöåññà
var rDStart = [];
//Ìàññèâ ýëåìåíòîâ ïîä âðåìÿ êîíöà ïðîöåññà
var rDEnd = [];
//Ôëàã ïîâîðåíèÿ öèêëà
var cCycle = false;
//Èíäåêñ öèêëà äëÿ óïðàâëåíèÿ
var wCycle = -1;
/*Ïðîöåíòû ïîäíèìàþòñÿ ñíèçó ââåðõ (false)
*èëè ñëåâà íàïðàâî (true)*/
var rotate = false;
//Ðàñ÷åò ìèíèìàëüíîé øèðèíû
this.minBoardW = function () {
return (stW + 1) * (rProc.length + 1) + (rProc.length * 5);
//Ðàñ÷åò ìèíèìàëüíîé âûñîòû
this.minBoardH = function () {
return (stH + 1) * 4 + szHP + szHB + szHN;
/*Ôóíêöèè äëÿ ðàáîòû ñ êîîðäèíàòàìè
* îñíîâíîãî ïðÿìîóãîëüíèêà */
this.X = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().X();
this.Y = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().Y();
this.W = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().W();
this.H = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().H();
//Ôóíêöèÿ èçìåíåíèÿ íà÷àëüíîé êîîðäèíàòû è ðàçìåðîâ ïðÿìîóãîëüíèêà
this.RectParam = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
rAll.RectParam(_x, _y, _w, _h);
//Ôóíêöèÿ èçìåíåíèÿ ïðÿìîóãîëüíèêà ïî äðóãîìó ïðÿìîóãîëüíèêó
this.Rect = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll;
//Êîëè÷åñòâî ïðîöåññîâ
this.ProcCount = function () {
return rProc.length;
//Óñòàíîâêà íîâîãî ïðîöåññà
this.AddProc = function (index, proc, blink, numb) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
idx = (isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx >= rProc.length) ? -1 : idx;
var date = new Date();
if (idx == -1) {
} else {
rProc.splice(idx, 0, proc);
rBlink.splice(idx, 0, blink);
rNumb.splice(idx, 0, numb);
rDStart.splice(idx, 0, date);
rDEnd.splice(idx, 0, date);
//Èçìåíåíèå ïðîöåññà
this.ChangeProc = function (index, proc, blink, numb) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
idx = (isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx >= rProc.length) ? -1 : idx;
var date = new Date();
if (idx == -1) return;
rProc.splice(idx, 1, proc);
rBlink.splice(idx, 1, blink);
rNumb.splice(idx, 1, numb);
rDStart.splice(idx, 1, date);
rDEnd.splice(idx, 1, date);
//Óäàëåíèå ïðîöåññà
this.DelStove = function (index) {
if (rProc.length == 0) return;
var idx = parseInt(index);
idx = (isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx >= rProc.length) ? -1 : idx;
if (idx == -1) {
} else {
rProc.splice(idx, 1);
rBlink.splice(idx, 1);
rNumb.splice(idx, 1);
rDStart.splice(idx, 1);
rDEnd.splice(idx, 1);
//Óñòàíîâêà âðåìåíè íà÷àëà ïðîöåññà
this.StartDate = function (index, date) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
idx = (isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx >= rDStart.length) ? -1 : idx;
if (idx == -1) return;
rDStart[idx] = date;
//Óñòàíîâêà âðåìåíè êîíöà ïðîöåññà
this.EndDate = function (index, date) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
idx = (isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx >= rDStart.length) ? -1 : idx;
if (idx == -1) return;
rDEnd[idx] = date;
//Èçìåíåíèå ïàðàìåòðîâ ïðîöåññà
this.ChangeStatProc = function (index, stat, percent) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (!isNaN(idx) && idx >= 0 && idx < rProc.length) {
//Èçìåíåíèå ïàðàìåòðîâ ìèãàëêè
this.ChangeStatBlink = function (index, stat) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (!isNaN(idx) && idx >= -1 && idx < rBlink.length)
//Èçìåíåíèå ïàðàìåòðîâ íîìåðà
this.ChangeStatNumb = function (index, prostoy) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (!isNaN(idx) && idx >= 0 && idx < rNumb.length)
//Èçìåíåíèå íàïðàâëåíèÿ îòðèñîâêè ïðîöåíòîâ
this.Rotate = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rotate;
rotate = (typeof val === 'boolean') ? val : false;
for (var i = 0; i < rProc.length; i++) {
//Çàïîëíåíèå äèàãðàììû ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
this.BuildDefault = function () {
while (rProc.length < 48) {
rProc.push(new ProcessColumn(0, 0, 0, 0));
rProc[rProc.length - 1].BuildDefault();
rBlink.push(new BlinkStatus(0, 0, 0, 0));
rBlink[rProc.length - 1].BuildDefault();
rNumb.push(new NumberColumn(0, 0, 0, 0, rProc.length));
var date = new Date;
this.Rebuild = function () {
var x = rAll.X() + stE + 1;
var y = rAll.Y() + stE + 1;
var wAll = rAll.W() - (rProc.length + 1) * (stE + 1);
var hAll = rAll.H() - (rProc.length + 1) * (stE + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < rProc.length; i++) {
var xP = 0, xB = 0, xN = 0;
var yP = 0, yB = 0, yN = 0;
var wP = 0, wB = 0, wN = 0;
var hP = 0, hB = 0, hN = 0;
if (!rotate) {
xP = x; xB = x; xN = x;
var w = Math.ceil(wAll / (rProc.length - i));
w = (w < szE) ? szE : w;
wAll -= w;
wP = w; wB = w; wN = w;
hB = szB; hN = szN;
hP = rAll.H() - (stI + 1) * 4 - szB - szN;
hP = (hP < szP) ? szP : hP;
yP = y;
yB = yP + hP + (stI + 1);
yN = yB + szB + (stI + 1);
} else {
yP = y; yB = y; yN = y;
var h = Math.ceil(hAll / (rProc.length - i));
h = (h < szE) ? szE : h;
hAll -= h;
hP = h; hB = h; hN = h;
wB = szB; wN = szN;
wP = rAll.W() - (stI + 1) * 4 - szB - szN;
wP = (wP < szP) ? szP : wP;
xP = x;
xB = xP + wP + (stI + 1);
xN = xB + szB + (stI + 1);
xN = x;
xB = xN + wN + (stI + 1);
xP = xB + szB + (stI + 1);
rProc[i].RectParam(xP, yP, wP, hP);
rBlink[i].RectParam(xB, yB, wB, hB);
rNumb[i].RectParam(xN, yN, wN, hN);
if (!rotate)
x += wP + stE + 1;
y += hP + stE + 1;
this.Print = function (a) {
a.clearRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
a.fillStyle = "#ddd";
a.fillRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
for (var i = 0; i < rProc.length; i++) {
a.strokeStyle = "#333";
a.strokeRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
//Ïå÷àòü òåêñòà
this.PrintText = function (a) {
for (var i = 0; i < rProc.length; i++) {
//Îáíîâëåíèå ïðîöåíòîâ
function updateCycle(currDate) {
var date = (currDate == undefined) ? new Date() : currDate;
var cycle = false;
for (var i = 0; i < rProc.length; i++) {
if (rDStart[i] == rDEnd[i]) continue;
var d = rDEnd[i] - rDStart[i];
var t = date - rDStart[i];
d = 100 * (date - rDStart[i]) / d;
rNumb[i].Prostoy(d >= 100);
cycle = cycle || d < 100;
cCycle = cCycle && cycle;
date.setMilliseconds(date.getMilliseconds() + timeCycle);
if (cCycle)
if (currDate == undefined)
wCycle = setTimeout(updateCycle, timeCycle);
wCycle = setTimeout(updateCycle, timeCycle, date);
//Çàïóñê öèêëà îáíîâëåíèé ïðîöåíòîâ
this.Cycle = function (start, currDate) {
if (start == undefined || !(typeof start === 'boolean')) return cCycle;
if (start) {
cCycle = true;
//Ïðîâåðêà âðåìåíè äëÿ ðàáîòû öèêëà
this.CheckDate = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < rProc.length; i++) {
if (rDStart[i] > rDEnd[i]) {
var tmp = rDStart[i];
rDStart[i] = rDEnd[i];
rDEnd[i] = tmp;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
function NumberColumn(x, y, w, h, number) {
//Основной прямоугольник
var rAll = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
//Текущий статус по простою
var prostoy = true;
/*Проценты поднимаются снизу вверх (false)
*или слева направо (true)*/
var rotate = false;
/*Функции для работы с координатами
* основного прямоугольника */
this.X = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().X();
this.Y = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().Y();
this.W = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().W();
this.H = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().H();
//Функция изменения начальной координаты и размеров прямоугольника
this.RectParam = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
rAll.RectParam(_x, _y, _w, _h);
//Функция изменения прямоугольника по другому прямоугольнику
this.Rect = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll;
//Функция установки номера
this.Number = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return number;
var v = parseInt(val);
number = (isNaN(v) || v < 0) ? 0 : v;
//Функция установки статуса по простою
this.Prostoy = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return prostoy;
prostoy = (typeof val === 'boolean') ? val : false;
//Изменение направления отрисовки текста
this.Rotate = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rotate;
rotate = (typeof val === 'boolean') ? val : false;
//Печать номера
this.Print = function (ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = (!prostoy) ? '#ff0' : '#ff8000';
ctx.fillRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';//'#333'
ctx.strokeRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
ctx.translate(rAll.X() + rAll.W() / 2, rAll.Y() + rAll.H() / 2);
if (rotate) ctx.rotate(3 * Math.PI / 2);
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
var px = rAll.H() < rAll.W() ? rAll.H() - 3 : rAll.W() - 3;
px = px < 0 ? 0 : px;
ctx.font = px + 'px Arial';
ctx.fillText(number, 0, 0);
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
function PercentColumn(x, y, w, h) {
//Основной прямоугольник
var rAll = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
//Прямоугольник процентов
var rPerc = new Rectangle();
/*Проценты поднимаются снизу вверх (false)
*или слева направо (true)*/
var rotate = false;
//Проценты статуса
var percent = 0;
var color = '#000';
/*Функции для работы с координатами
* основного прямоугольника */
this.X = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll.X();
this.Y = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll.Y();
this.W = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll.W();
this.H = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll.H();
//Установка процента от 0 до 100
this.Percent = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return percent;
var v = parseFloat(val);
v = (isNaN(v) || v < 0) ? 0 : (v > 100) ? 100 : v;
percent = v;
//Установка цвета в формате #****** или #***
this.Color = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return color;
var c = val.match(/^#([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6})$/i);
color = (c === null) ? '#000000' : c[0];
//Функция изменения начальной координаты и размеров прямоугольника
this.RectParam = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
rAll.RectParam(_x, _y, _w, _h);
//Функция изменения прямоугольника по другому прямоугольнику
this.Rect = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll;
//Изменение направления отрисовки процентов
this.Rotate = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rotate;
rotate = (typeof val === 'boolean') ? val : false;
//Перерасчитываем элементы
function Rebuild() {
var size = ((!rotate) ? rAll.H() : rAll.W()) * percent / 100;
(rotate) ? rAll.Y() : rAll.Y() + rAll.H() - size,
(!rotate) ? rAll.W() : size,
(rotate) ? rAll.H() : size
//Рисуем проценты
this.Print = function (ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
ctx.fillRect(rPerc.X(), rPerc.Y(), rPerc.W(), rPerc.H());
ctx.strokeRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
//Рисуем текст
this.PrintText = function (ctx) {
ctx.translate(rAll.X() + rAll.W() / 2, rAll.Y() + rAll.H() / 2);
if (!rotate) ctx.rotate(3 * Math.PI / 2);
ctx.fillStyle = '#888';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
if (!rotate)
ctx.font = (rAll.W() - 10 < 0 ? 0 : rAll.W() - 10) + 'px Arial';
ctx.font = (rAll.H() - 10 < 0 ? 0 : rAll.H() - 10) + 'px Arial';
ctx.fillText(Math.floor(percent * 100) / 100 + '%', 0, 0);
@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
function ProcessColumn(x, y, w, h) {
//Основной прямоугольник
var rAll = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
//Массив элементов под статусы
var rStat = [];
//Массив элементы под коэффициенты
var point = [];
//Проценты статуса
var percent = 0;
//Номер статуса
var status = -1;
/*Проценты поднимаются снизу вверх (false)
*или слева направо (true)*/
var rotate = false;
/*Функции для работы с координатами
* основного прямоугольника */
this.X = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().X();
this.Y = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().Y();
this.W = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().W();
this.H = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll().H();
//Установка процента от 0 до 100
this.Percent = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return percent;
var v = parseFloat(val);
percent = (isNaN(v) || v < 0) ? 0 :
(v > 100) ? 100 : v;
//Установка статуса от 0 до (кол-во элементов в массиве статусов - 1)
this.Status = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return status;
var v = parseInt(val);
status = (isNaN(v) || v < -1 || rStat.length === 0) ? -1 :
(v >= rStat.length) ? (rStat.length - 1) : v;
//Функция изменения начальной координаты и размеров прямоугольника
this.RectParam = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
rAll.RectParam(_x, _y, _w, _h);
//Функция изменения прямоугольника по другому прямоугольнику
this.Rect = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rAll;
//Изменение направления отрисовки процентов
this.Rotate = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return rotate;
rotate = (typeof val === 'boolean') ? val : false;
for (var i = 0; i < rStat.length; i++)
//Количество статусов
this.StatCount = function () {
return rStat.length;
//Установка коеффициента
function Point(_index, _point) {
var idx = parseInt(_index);
var pnt = parseFloat(_point);
if (!isNaN(idx)) {
while (idx >= point.length)
point[idx] = isNaN(pnt) || pnt <= 0 ? 1 : pnt;
//Установка нового статуса
this.AddRStat = function (index, point, color) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx - 1 > rStat.length) {
rStat.push(new PercentColumn());
idx = rStat.length - 1;
rStat.splice(idx, 0, new PercentColumn());
Point(idx, point);
//Изменение статуса
this.ChangeRStat = function (index, point, color) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (!isNaN(idx) && idx >= 0 && idx < rStat.length) {
Point(idx, point);
//Удаление статуса
this.DelRStat = function (index) {
var idx = parseInt(index);
if (!isNaN(idx) && idx >= 0 && idx < rStat.length) {
rStat.splice(idx, 1);
point.splice(idx, 1);
else if (rStat.length > 0) {
//Заполнение столбца процесса по умолчанию
this.BuildDefault = function () {
var defaultPoint = [57, 49, 49, 71, 28, 49, 21, 171, 114, 103];
var defaultColor = ["#0ff", "#00f", "#f00", "#0f0", "#0ff", "#00f", "#8500b6", "#f00", "#f0f", "#0f0"];
while (rStat.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < defaultPoint.length; i++)
this.AddRStat(i, defaultPoint[i], defaultColor[i]);
//Сумма всех коэффициентов
function AllPoint() {
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < point.length; i++)
count += point[i];
return count;
function PointSize() {
var res = ((rotate) ? rAll.W() : rAll.H()) - (1 + rStat.length);
res = (res < 0) ? 0 : res;
return (AllPoint() <= 0) ? 0 : (res / AllPoint());
//Перерасчет статусов и процентов
function Restat() {
for (var i = 0; i < rStat.length; i++) {
rStat[i].Percent(i < status ? 100 : i == status ? percent : 0);
//Перерасчет размеров статусов
function Rebuild() {
var _x = rAll.X() + 1;
var _y = rAll.Y() + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < rStat.length; i++) {
var currStat = (rotate) ? i : rStat.length - (i + 1);
var _w = (!rotate) ? rAll.W() - 2 : point[currStat] * PointSize();
var _h = (rotate) ? rAll.H() - 2 : point[currStat] * PointSize();
rStat[currStat].RectParam(_x, _y, _w, _h);
_x = (!rotate) ? _x : _x + 1 + _w;
_y = (rotate) ? _y : _y + 1 + _h;
//Печать столбца процесса
this.Print = function (ctx) {
ctx.clearRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
ctx.fillStyle = '#ddd';
ctx.fillRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
for (var i = 0; i < rStat.length; i++)
if (i <= status)
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000'; //'#333'
ctx.strokeRect(rAll.X(), rAll.Y(), rAll.W(), rAll.H());
//Печать текста столбца процесса
this.PrintText = function (ctx) {
ctx.translate(rAll.X() + rAll.W() / 2, rAll.Y() + rAll.H() / 2);
if (!rotate) ctx.rotate(3 * Math.PI / 2);
ctx.fillStyle = '#888';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
if (!rotate)
ctx.font = (rAll.W() - 10 < 0 ? 0 : rAll.W() - 10) + 'px Arial';
ctx.font = (rAll.H() - 10 < 0 ? 0 : rAll.H() - 10) + 'px Arial';
ctx.fillText((Math.floor(percent * 100) / 100) + '% ' + (status + 1) + '/' + rStat.length, 0, 0);
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
//Объявление класса прямоугольника
function Rectangle(x, y, w, h) {
/*Функции для работы с координатами
* основного прямоугольника */
function chkVal(val) {
var a = parseFloat(val);
return (isNaN(a) || a < 0) ? 0 : a;
this.X = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return x;
x = chkVal(val);
this.Y = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return y;
y = chkVal(val);
this.W = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return w;
w = chkVal(val);
this.H = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return h;
h = chkVal(val);
//Функция изменения начальной координаты и размеров прямоугольника
this.RectParam = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
//Функция изменения прямоугольника по другому прямоугольнику
this.Rect = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) return this;
this.RectParam(val.X(), val.Y(), val.W(), val.H());
//Первая инициализация
if (x === undefined) x = 0;
else this.X(x);
if (y === undefined) y = 0;
else this.Y(y);
if (w === undefined) w = 0;
else this.W(w);
if (h === undefined) h = 0;
else this.H(h);
@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
<h1 align="center">Popper.js</h1>
<p align="center">
<strong>A library used to position poppers in web applications.</strong>
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Stable Release Size"/>
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<br />
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<img src="" align="right" width=250 />
## Wut? Poppers?
A popper is an element on the screen which "pops out" from the natural flow of your application.
Common examples of poppers are tooltips, popovers and drop-downs.
## So, yet another tooltip library?
Well, basically, **no**.
Popper.js is a **positioning engine**, its purpose is to calculate the position of an element
to make it possible to position it near a given reference element.
The engine is completely modular and most of its features are implemented as **modifiers**
(similar to middlewares or plugins).
The whole code base is written in ES2015 and its features are automatically tested on real browsers thanks to [SauceLabs]( and [TravisCI](
Popper.js has zero dependencies. No jQuery, no LoDash, nothing.
It's used by big companies like [Twitter in Bootstrap v4](, [Microsoft in WebClipper]( and [Atlassian in AtlasKit](
### Popper.js
This is the engine, the library that computes and, optionally, applies the styles to
the poppers.
Some of the key points are:
- Position elements keeping them in their original DOM context (doesn't mess with your DOM!);
- Allows to export the computed informations to integrate with React and other view libraries;
- Supports Shadow DOM elements;
- Completely customizable thanks to the modifiers based structure;
Visit our [project page]( to see a lot of examples of what you can do with Popper.js!
Find [the documentation here](/docs/_includes/
### Tooltip.js
Since lots of users just need a simple way to integrate powerful tooltips in their projects,
we created **Tooltip.js**.
It's a small library that makes it easy to automatically create tooltips using as engine Popper.js.
Its API is almost identical to the famous tooltip system of Bootstrap, in this way it will be
easy to integrate it in your projects.
The tooltips generated by Tooltip.js are accessible thanks to the `aria` tags.
Find [the documentation here](/docs/_includes/
## Installation
Popper.js is available on the following package managers and CDNs:
| Source | |
| npm | `npm install popper.js --save` |
| yarn | `yarn add popper.js` |
| NuGet | `PM> Install-Package popper.js` |
| Bower | `bower install popper.js --save` |
| unpkg | [``]( |
| cdnjs | [``]( |
Tooltip.js as well:
| Source | |
| npm | `npm install tooltip.js --save` |
| yarn | `yarn add tooltip.js` |
| Bower* | `bower install tooltip.js= --save` |
| unpkg | [``]( |
| cdnjs | [``]( |
\*: Bower isn't officially supported, it can be used to install Tooltip.js only trough the CDN. This method has the limitation of not being able to define a specific version of the library. Bower and Popper.js suggests to use npm or Yarn for your projects.
For more info, [read the related issue](
### Dist targets
Popper.js is currently shipped with 3 targets in mind: UMD, ESM and ESNext.
- UMD - Universal Module Definition: AMD, RequireJS and globals;
- ESM - ES Modules: For webpack/Rollup or browser supporting the spec;
- ESNext: Available in `dist/`, can be used with webpack and `babel-preset-env`;
Make sure to use the right one for your needs. If you want to import it with a `<script>` tag, use UMD.
## Usage
Given an existing popper DOM node, ask Popper.js to position it near its button
var reference = document.querySelector('.my-button');
var popper = document.querySelector('.my-popper');
var anotherPopper = new Popper(
// popper options here
### Callbacks
Popper.js supports two kinds of callbacks, the `onCreate` callback is called after
the popper has been initialized. The `onUpdate` one is called on any subsequent update.
const reference = document.querySelector('.my-button');
const popper = document.querySelector('.my-popper');
new Popper(reference, popper, {
onCreate: (data) => {
// data is an object containing all the informations computed
// by Popper.js and used to style the popper and its arrow
// The complete description is available in Popper.js documentation
onUpdate: (data) => {
// same as `onCreate` but called on subsequent updates
### Writing your own modifiers
Popper.js is based on a "plugin-like" architecture, most of its features are fully encapsulated "modifiers".
A modifier is a function that is called each time Popper.js needs to compute the position of the popper. For this reason, modifiers should be very performant to avoid bottlenecks.
To learn how to create a modifier, [read the modifiers documentation](docs/_includes/
### React, Vue.js, Angular, AngularJS, Ember.js (etc...) integration
Integrating 3rd party libraries in React or other libraries can be a pain because
they usually alter the DOM and drive the libraries crazy.
Popper.js limits all its DOM modifications inside the `applyStyle` modifier,
you can simply disable it and manually apply the popper coordinates using
your library of choice.
For a comprehensive list of libraries that let you use Popper.js into existing
frameworks, visit the [MENTIONS](/ page.
Alternatively, you may even override your own `applyStyles` with your custom one and
integrate Popper.js by yourself!
function applyReactStyle(data) {
// export data in your framework and use its content to apply the style to your popper
const reference = document.querySelector('.my-button');
const popper = document.querySelector('.my-popper');
new Popper(reference, popper, {
modifiers: {
applyStyle: { enabled: false },
applyReactStyle: {
enabled: true,
fn: applyReactStyle,
order: 800,
### Migration from Popper.js v0
Since the API changed, we prepared some migration instructions to make it easy to upgrade to
Popper.js v1.
Feel free to comment inside the issue if you have any questions.
### Performances
Popper.js is very performant. It usually takes 0.5ms to compute a popper's position (on an iMac with 3.5G GHz Intel Core i5).
This means that it will not cause any [jank](, leading to a smooth user experience.
## Notes
### Libraries using Popper.js
The aim of Popper.js is to provide a stable and powerful positioning engine ready to
be used in 3rd party libraries.
Visit the [MENTIONS](/ page for an updated list of projects.
### Credits
I want to thank some friends and projects for the work they did:
- [@AndreaScn]( for his work on the GitHub Page and the manual testing he did during the development;
- [@vampolo]( for the original idea and for the name of the library;
- [Sysdig]( for all the awesome things I learned during these years that made it possible for me to write this library;
- [Tether.js]( for having inspired me in writing a positioning library ready for the real world;
- [The Contributors]( for their much appreciated Pull Requests and bug reports;
- **you** for the star you'll give to this project and for being so awesome to give this project a try 🙂
### Copyright and license
Code and documentation copyright 2016 **Federico Zivolo**. Code released under the [MIT license]( Docs released under Creative Commons.
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
* @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed
;(function(window, document) {
/*jshint evil:true */
/** version */
var version = '3.7.3';
/** Preset options */
var options = window.html5 || {};
/** Used to skip problem elements */
var reSkip = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i;
/** Not all elements can be cloned in IE **/
var saveClones = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i;
/** Detect whether the browser supports default html5 styles */
var supportsHtml5Styles;
/** Name of the expando, to work with multiple documents or to re-shiv one document */
var expando = '_html5shiv';
/** The id for the the documents expando */
var expanID = 0;
/** Cached data for each document */
var expandoData = {};
/** Detect whether the browser supports unknown elements */
var supportsUnknownElements;
(function() {
try {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = '<xyz></xyz>';
//if the hidden property is implemented we can assume, that the browser supports basic HTML5 Styles
supportsHtml5Styles = ('hidden' in a);
supportsUnknownElements = a.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() {
// assign a false positive if unable to shiv
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
return (
typeof frag.cloneNode == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createElement == 'undefined'
} catch(e) {
// assign a false positive if detection fails => unable to shiv
supportsHtml5Styles = true;
supportsUnknownElements = true;
* Creates a style sheet with the given CSS text and adds it to the document.
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {String} cssText The CSS text.
* @returns {StyleSheet} The style element.
function addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText) {
var p = ownerDocument.createElement('p'),
parent = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || ownerDocument.documentElement;
p.innerHTML = 'x<style>' + cssText + '</style>';
return parent.insertBefore(p.lastChild, parent.firstChild);
* Returns the value of `html5.elements` as an array.
* @private
* @returns {Array} An array of shived element node names.
function getElements() {
var elements = html5.elements;
return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements;
* Extends the built-in list of html5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String|Array} newElements whitespace separated list or array of new element names to shiv
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
function addElements(newElements, ownerDocument) {
var elements = html5.elements;
if(typeof elements != 'string'){
elements = elements.join(' ');
if(typeof newElements != 'string'){
newElements = newElements.join(' ');
html5.elements = elements +' '+ newElements;
* Returns the data associated to the given document
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @returns {Object} An object of data.
function getExpandoData(ownerDocument) {
var data = expandoData[ownerDocument[expando]];
if (!data) {
data = {};
ownerDocument[expando] = expanID;
expandoData[expanID] = data;
return data;
* returns a shived element for the given nodeName and document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String} nodeName name of the element
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived element.
function createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
if (!data) {
data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var node;
if (data.cache[nodeName]) {
node = data.cache[nodeName].cloneNode();
} else if (saveClones.test(nodeName)) {
node = (data.cache[nodeName] = data.createElem(nodeName)).cloneNode();
} else {
node = data.createElem(nodeName);
// Avoid adding some elements to fragments in IE < 9 because
// * Attributes like `name` or `type` cannot be set/changed once an element
// is inserted into a document/fragment
// * Link elements with `src` attributes that are inaccessible, as with
// a 403 response, will cause the tab/window to crash
// * Script elements appended to fragments will execute when their `src`
// or `text` property is set
return node.canHaveChildren && !reSkip.test(nodeName) && !node.tagUrn ? data.frag.appendChild(node) : node;
* returns a shived DocumentFragment for the given document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived DocumentFragment.
function createDocumentFragment(ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
data = data || getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var clone = data.frag.cloneNode(),
i = 0,
elems = getElements(),
l = elems.length;
return clone;
* Shivs the `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment` methods of the document.
* @private
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {Object} data of the document.
function shivMethods(ownerDocument, data) {
if (!data.cache) {
data.cache = {};
data.createElem = ownerDocument.createElement;
data.createFrag = ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment;
data.frag = data.createFrag();
ownerDocument.createElement = function(nodeName) {
//abort shiv
if (!html5.shivMethods) {
return data.createElem(nodeName);
return createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data);
ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment = Function('h,f', 'return function(){' +
'var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;' +
'h.shivMethods&&(' +
// unroll the `createElement` calls
getElements().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g, function(nodeName) {
return 'c("' + nodeName + '")';
}) +
');return n}'
)(html5, data.frag);
* Shivs the given document.
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document to shiv.
* @returns {Document} The shived document.
function shivDocument(ownerDocument) {
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
var data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
if (html5.shivCSS && !supportsHtml5Styles && !data.hasCSS) {
data.hasCSS = !!addStyleSheet(ownerDocument,
// corrects block display not defined in IE6/7/8/9
'article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}' +
// adds styling not present in IE6/7/8/9
'mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}' +
// hides non-rendered elements
if (!supportsUnknownElements) {
shivMethods(ownerDocument, data);
return ownerDocument;
* The `html5` object is exposed so that more elements can be shived and
* existing shiving can be detected on iframes.
* @type Object
* @example
* // options can be changed before the script is included
* html5 = { 'elements': 'mark section', 'shivCSS': false, 'shivMethods': false };
var html5 = {
* An array or space separated string of node names of the elements to shiv.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Array|String
'elements': options.elements || 'abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video',
* current version of html5shiv
'version': version,
* A flag to indicate that the HTML5 style sheet should be inserted.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivCSS': (options.shivCSS !== false),
* Is equal to true if a browser supports creating unknown/HTML5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @type boolean
'supportsUnknownElements': supportsUnknownElements,
* A flag to indicate that the document's `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment`
* methods should be overwritten.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivMethods': (options.shivMethods !== false),
* A string to describe the type of `html5` object ("default" or "default print").
* @memberOf html5
* @type String
'type': 'default',
// shivs the document according to the specified `html5` object options
'shivDocument': shivDocument,
//creates a shived element
createElement: createElement,
//creates a shived documentFragment
createDocumentFragment: createDocumentFragment,
//extends list of elements
addElements: addElements
// expose html5
window.html5 = html5;
// shiv the document
/*------------------------------- Print Shiv -------------------------------*/
/** Used to filter media types */
var reMedia = /^$|\b(?:all|print)\b/;
/** Used to namespace printable elements */
var shivNamespace = 'html5shiv';
/** Detect whether the browser supports shivable style sheets */
var supportsShivableSheets = !supportsUnknownElements && (function() {
// assign a false negative if unable to shiv
var docEl = document.documentElement;
return !(
typeof document.namespaces == 'undefined' ||
typeof document.parentWindow == 'undefined' ||
typeof docEl.applyElement == 'undefined' ||
typeof docEl.removeNode == 'undefined' ||
typeof window.attachEvent == 'undefined'
* Wraps all HTML5 elements in the given document with printable elements.
* (eg. the "header" element is wrapped with the "html5shiv:header" element)
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @returns {Array} An array wrappers added.
function addWrappers(ownerDocument) {
var node,
nodes = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('*'),
index = nodes.length,
reElements = RegExp('^(?:' + getElements().join('|') + ')$', 'i'),
result = [];
while (index--) {
node = nodes[index];
if (reElements.test(node.nodeName)) {
return result;
* Creates a printable wrapper for the given element.
* @private
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @returns {Element} The wrapper.
function createWrapper(element) {
var node,
nodes = element.attributes,
index = nodes.length,
wrapper = element.ownerDocument.createElement(shivNamespace + ':' + element.nodeName);
// copy element attributes to the wrapper
while (index--) {
node = nodes[index];
node.specified && wrapper.setAttribute(node.nodeName, node.nodeValue);
// copy element styles to the wrapper
|||||| =;
return wrapper;
* Shivs the given CSS text.
* (eg. header{} becomes html5shiv\:header{})
* @private
* @param {String} cssText The CSS text to shiv.
* @returns {String} The shived CSS text.
function shivCssText(cssText) {
var pair,
parts = cssText.split('{'),
index = parts.length,
reElements = RegExp('(^|[\\s,>+~])(' + getElements().join('|') + ')(?=[[\\s,>+~#.:]|$)', 'gi'),
replacement = '$1' + shivNamespace + '\\:$2';
while (index--) {
pair = parts[index] = parts[index].split('}');
pair[pair.length - 1] = pair[pair.length - 1].replace(reElements, replacement);
parts[index] = pair.join('}');
return parts.join('{');
* Removes the given wrappers, leaving the original elements.
* @private
* @params {Array} wrappers An array of printable wrappers.
function removeWrappers(wrappers) {
var index = wrappers.length;
while (index--) {
* Shivs the given document for print.
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document to shiv.
* @returns {Document} The shived document.
function shivPrint(ownerDocument) {
var shivedSheet,
data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument),
namespaces = ownerDocument.namespaces,
ownerWindow = ownerDocument.parentWindow;
if (!supportsShivableSheets || ownerDocument.printShived) {
return ownerDocument;
if (typeof namespaces[shivNamespace] == 'undefined') {
function removeSheet() {
if (shivedSheet) {
shivedSheet= null;
ownerWindow.attachEvent('onbeforeprint', function() {
var imports,
collection = ownerDocument.styleSheets,
cssText = [],
index = collection.length,
sheets = Array(index);
// convert styleSheets collection to an array
while (index--) {
sheets[index] = collection[index];
// concat all style sheet CSS text
while ((sheet = sheets.pop())) {
// IE does not enforce a same origin policy for external style sheets...
// but has trouble with some dynamically created stylesheets
if (!sheet.disabled && reMedia.test( {
try {
imports = sheet.imports;
length = imports.length;
} catch(er){
length = 0;
for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
try {
} catch(er){}
// wrap all HTML5 elements with printable elements and add the shived style sheet
cssText = shivCssText(cssText.reverse().join(''));
wrappers = addWrappers(ownerDocument);
shivedSheet = addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText);
ownerWindow.attachEvent('onafterprint', function() {
// remove wrappers, leaving the original elements, and remove the shived style sheet
data._removeSheetTimer = setTimeout(removeSheet, 500);
ownerDocument.printShived = true;
return ownerDocument;
// expose API
html5.type += ' print';
html5.shivPrint = shivPrint;
// shiv for print
if(typeof module == 'object' && module.exports){
module.exports = html5;
}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, document));
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
* @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed
!function(a,b){function c(a,b){var c=a.createElement("p"),d=a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||a.documentElement;return c.innerHTML="x<style>"+b+"</style>",d.insertBefore(c.lastChild,d.firstChild)}function d(){var a=y.elements;return"string"==typeof a?a.split(" "):a}function e(a,b){var c=y.elements;"string"!=typeof c&&(c=c.join(" ")),"string"!=typeof a&&(a=a.join(" ")),y.elements=c+" "+a,j(b)}function f(a){var b=x[a[v]];return b||(b={},w++,a[v]=w,x[w]=b),b}function g(a,c,d){if(c||(c=b),q)return c.createElement(a);d||(d=f(c));var e;return e=d.cache[a]?d.cache[a].cloneNode():u.test(a)?(d.cache[a]=d.createElem(a)).cloneNode():d.createElem(a),!e.canHaveChildren||t.test(a)||e.tagUrn?e:d.frag.appendChild(e)}function h(a,c){if(a||(a=b),q)return a.createDocumentFragment();c=c||f(a);for(var e=c.frag.cloneNode(),g=0,h=d(),i=h.length;i>g;g++)e.createElement(h[g]);return e}function i(a,b){b.cache||(b.cache={},b.createElem=a.createElement,b.createFrag=a.createDocumentFragment,b.frag=b.createFrag()),a.createElement=function(c){return y.shivMethods?g(c,a,b):b.createElem(c)},a.createDocumentFragment=Function("h,f","return function(){var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;h.shivMethods&&("+d().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g,function(a){return b.createElem(a),b.frag.createElement(a),'c("'+a+'")'})+");return n}")(y,b.frag)}function j(a){a||(a=b);var d=f(a);return!y.shivCSS||p||d.hasCSS||(d.hasCSS=!!c(a,"article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}template{display:none}")),q||i(a,d),a}function k(a){for(var b,c=a.getElementsByTagName("*"),e=c.length,f=RegExp("^(?:"+d().join("|")+")$","i"),g=[];e--;)b=c[e],f.test(b.nodeName)&&g.push(b.applyElement(l(b)));return g}function l(a){for(var b,c=a.attributes,d=c.length,e=a.ownerDocument.createElement(A+":"+a.nodeName);d--;)b=c[d],b.specified&&e.setAttribute(b.nodeName,b.nodeValue);return,e}function m(a){for(var b,c=a.split("{"),e=c.length,f=RegExp("(^|[\\s,>+~])("+d().join("|")+")(?=[[\\s,>+~#.:]|$)","gi"),g="$1"+A+"\\:$2";e--;)b=c[e]=c[e].split("}"),b[b.length-1]=b[b.length-1].replace(f,g),c[e]=b.join("}");return c.join("{")}function n(a){for(var b=a.length;b--;)a[b].removeNode()}function o(a){function b(){clearTimeout(g._removeSheetTimer),d&&d.removeNode(!0),d=null}var d,e,g=f(a),h=a.namespaces,i=a.parentWindow;return!B||a.printShived?a:("undefined"==typeof h[A]&&h.add(A),i.attachEvent("onbeforeprint",function(){b();for(var f,g,h,i=a.styleSheets,j=[],l=i.length,n=Array(l);l--;)n[l]=i[l];for(;h=n.pop();)if(!h.disabled&&z.test({try{f=h.imports,g=f.length}catch(o){g=0}for(l=0;g>l;l++)n.push(f[l]);try{j.push(h.cssText)}catch(o){}}j=m(j.reverse().join("")),e=k(a),d=c(a,j)}),i.attachEvent("onafterprint",function(){n(e),clearTimeout(g._removeSheetTimer),g._removeSheetTimer=setTimeout(b,500)}),a.printShived=!0,a)}var p,q,r="3.7.3",s=a.html5||{},t=/^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i,u=/^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i,v="_html5shiv",w=0,x={};!function(){try{var a=b.createElement("a");a.innerHTML="<xyz></xyz>",p="hidden"in a,q=1==a.childNodes.length||function(){b.createElement("a");var a=b.createDocumentFragment();return"undefined"==typeof a.cloneNode||"undefined"==typeof a.createDocumentFragment||"undefined"==typeof a.createElement}()}catch(c){p=!0,q=!0}}();var y={elements:s.elements||"abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video",version:r,shivCSS:s.shivCSS!==!1,supportsUnknownElements:q,shivMethods:s.shivMethods!==!1,type:"default",shivDocument:j,createElement:g,createDocumentFragment:h,addElements:e};a.html5=y,j(b);var z=/^$|\b(?:all|print)\b/,A="html5shiv",B=!q&&function(){var c=b.documentElement;return!("undefined"==typeof b.namespaces||"undefined"==typeof b.parentWindow||"undefined"==typeof c.applyElement||"undefined"==typeof c.removeNode||"undefined"==typeof a.attachEvent)}();y.type+=" print",y.shivPrint=o,o(b),"object"==typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=y)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:this,document);
@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
* @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed
;(function(window, document) {
/*jshint evil:true */
/** version */
var version = '3.7.3';
/** Preset options */
var options = window.html5 || {};
/** Used to skip problem elements */
var reSkip = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i;
/** Not all elements can be cloned in IE **/
var saveClones = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i;
/** Detect whether the browser supports default html5 styles */
var supportsHtml5Styles;
/** Name of the expando, to work with multiple documents or to re-shiv one document */
var expando = '_html5shiv';
/** The id for the the documents expando */
var expanID = 0;
/** Cached data for each document */
var expandoData = {};
/** Detect whether the browser supports unknown elements */
var supportsUnknownElements;
(function() {
try {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = '<xyz></xyz>';
//if the hidden property is implemented we can assume, that the browser supports basic HTML5 Styles
supportsHtml5Styles = ('hidden' in a);
supportsUnknownElements = a.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() {
// assign a false positive if unable to shiv
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
return (
typeof frag.cloneNode == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createElement == 'undefined'
} catch(e) {
// assign a false positive if detection fails => unable to shiv
supportsHtml5Styles = true;
supportsUnknownElements = true;
* Creates a style sheet with the given CSS text and adds it to the document.
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {String} cssText The CSS text.
* @returns {StyleSheet} The style element.
function addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText) {
var p = ownerDocument.createElement('p'),
parent = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || ownerDocument.documentElement;
p.innerHTML = 'x<style>' + cssText + '</style>';
return parent.insertBefore(p.lastChild, parent.firstChild);
* Returns the value of `html5.elements` as an array.
* @private
* @returns {Array} An array of shived element node names.
function getElements() {
var elements = html5.elements;
return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements;
* Extends the built-in list of html5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String|Array} newElements whitespace separated list or array of new element names to shiv
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
function addElements(newElements, ownerDocument) {
var elements = html5.elements;
if(typeof elements != 'string'){
elements = elements.join(' ');
if(typeof newElements != 'string'){
newElements = newElements.join(' ');
html5.elements = elements +' '+ newElements;
* Returns the data associated to the given document
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @returns {Object} An object of data.
function getExpandoData(ownerDocument) {
var data = expandoData[ownerDocument[expando]];
if (!data) {
data = {};
ownerDocument[expando] = expanID;
expandoData[expanID] = data;
return data;
* returns a shived element for the given nodeName and document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String} nodeName name of the element
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived element.
function createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
if (!data) {
data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var node;
if (data.cache[nodeName]) {
node = data.cache[nodeName].cloneNode();
} else if (saveClones.test(nodeName)) {
node = (data.cache[nodeName] = data.createElem(nodeName)).cloneNode();
} else {
node = data.createElem(nodeName);
// Avoid adding some elements to fragments in IE < 9 because
// * Attributes like `name` or `type` cannot be set/changed once an element
// is inserted into a document/fragment
// * Link elements with `src` attributes that are inaccessible, as with
// a 403 response, will cause the tab/window to crash
// * Script elements appended to fragments will execute when their `src`
// or `text` property is set
return node.canHaveChildren && !reSkip.test(nodeName) && !node.tagUrn ? data.frag.appendChild(node) : node;
* returns a shived DocumentFragment for the given document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived DocumentFragment.
function createDocumentFragment(ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
data = data || getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var clone = data.frag.cloneNode(),
i = 0,
elems = getElements(),
l = elems.length;
return clone;
* Shivs the `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment` methods of the document.
* @private
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {Object} data of the document.
function shivMethods(ownerDocument, data) {
if (!data.cache) {
data.cache = {};
data.createElem = ownerDocument.createElement;
data.createFrag = ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment;
data.frag = data.createFrag();
ownerDocument.createElement = function(nodeName) {
//abort shiv
if (!html5.shivMethods) {
return data.createElem(nodeName);
return createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data);
ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment = Function('h,f', 'return function(){' +
'var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;' +
'h.shivMethods&&(' +
// unroll the `createElement` calls
getElements().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g, function(nodeName) {
return 'c("' + nodeName + '")';
}) +
');return n}'
)(html5, data.frag);
* Shivs the given document.
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document to shiv.
* @returns {Document} The shived document.
function shivDocument(ownerDocument) {
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
var data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
if (html5.shivCSS && !supportsHtml5Styles && !data.hasCSS) {
data.hasCSS = !!addStyleSheet(ownerDocument,
// corrects block display not defined in IE6/7/8/9
'article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}' +
// adds styling not present in IE6/7/8/9
'mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}' +
// hides non-rendered elements
if (!supportsUnknownElements) {
shivMethods(ownerDocument, data);
return ownerDocument;
* The `html5` object is exposed so that more elements can be shived and
* existing shiving can be detected on iframes.
* @type Object
* @example
* // options can be changed before the script is included
* html5 = { 'elements': 'mark section', 'shivCSS': false, 'shivMethods': false };
var html5 = {
* An array or space separated string of node names of the elements to shiv.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Array|String
'elements': options.elements || 'abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video',
* current version of html5shiv
'version': version,
* A flag to indicate that the HTML5 style sheet should be inserted.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivCSS': (options.shivCSS !== false),
* Is equal to true if a browser supports creating unknown/HTML5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @type boolean
'supportsUnknownElements': supportsUnknownElements,
* A flag to indicate that the document's `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment`
* methods should be overwritten.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivMethods': (options.shivMethods !== false),
* A string to describe the type of `html5` object ("default" or "default print").
* @memberOf html5
* @type String
'type': 'default',
// shivs the document according to the specified `html5` object options
'shivDocument': shivDocument,
//creates a shived element
createElement: createElement,
//creates a shived documentFragment
createDocumentFragment: createDocumentFragment,
//extends list of elements
addElements: addElements
// expose html5
window.html5 = html5;
// shiv the document
if(typeof module == 'object' && module.exports){
module.exports = html5;
}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, document));
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
* @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed
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@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
* @fileoverview This file only declares the public portions of the API.
* It should not define internal pieces such as utils or modifier details.
* Original definitions by: edcarroll <>, ggray <>, rhysd <>, joscha <>, seckardt <>, marcfallows <>
* This kind of namespace declaration is not necessary, but is kept here for backwards-compatibility with
* popper.js 1.x. It can be removed in 2.x so that the default export is simply the Popper class
* and all the types / interfaces are top-level named exports.
declare namespace Popper {
export type Position = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
export type Placement = 'auto-start'
| 'auto'
| 'auto-end'
| 'top-start'
| 'top'
| 'top-end'
| 'right-start'
| 'right'
| 'right-end'
| 'bottom-end'
| 'bottom'
| 'bottom-start'
| 'left-end'
| 'left'
| 'left-start';
export type Boundary = 'scrollParent' | 'viewport' | 'window';
export type Behavior = 'flip' | 'clockwise' | 'counterclockwise';
export type ModifierFn = (data: Data, options: Object) => Data;
export interface Attributes {
'x-out-of-boundaries': '' | false;
'x-placement': Placement;
export interface Padding {
top?: number,
bottom?: number,
left?: number,
right?: number,
export interface BaseModifier {
order?: number;
enabled?: boolean;
fn?: ModifierFn;
export interface Modifiers {
shift?: BaseModifier;
offset?: BaseModifier & {
offset?: number | string,
preventOverflow?: BaseModifier & {
priority?: Position[],
padding?: number | Padding,
boundariesElement?: Boundary | Element,
escapeWithReference?: boolean
keepTogether?: BaseModifier;
arrow?: BaseModifier & {
element?: string | Element,
flip?: BaseModifier & {
behavior?: Behavior | Position[],
padding?: number | Padding,
boundariesElement?: Boundary | Element,
flipVariations?: boolean,
flipVariationsByContent?: boolean,
inner?: BaseModifier;
hide?: BaseModifier;
applyStyle?: BaseModifier & {
onLoad?: Function,
gpuAcceleration?: boolean,
computeStyle?: BaseModifier & {
gpuAcceleration?: boolean;
x?: 'bottom' | 'top',
y?: 'left' | 'right'
[name: string]: (BaseModifier & Record<string, any>) | undefined;
export interface Offset {
top: number;
left: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export interface Data {
instance: Popper;
placement: Placement;
originalPlacement: Placement;
flipped: boolean;
hide: boolean;
arrowElement: Element;
styles: CSSStyleDeclaration;
arrowStyles: CSSStyleDeclaration;
attributes: Attributes;
boundaries: Object;
offsets: {
popper: Offset,
reference: Offset,
arrow: {
top: number,
left: number,
export interface PopperOptions {
placement?: Placement;
positionFixed?: boolean;
eventsEnabled?: boolean;
modifiers?: Modifiers;
removeOnDestroy?: boolean;
onCreate?(data: Data): void;
onUpdate?(data: Data): void;
export interface ReferenceObject {
clientHeight: number;
clientWidth: number;
referenceNode?: Node;
getBoundingClientRect(): ClientRect;
// Re-export types in the Popper namespace so that they can be accessed as top-level named exports.
// These re-exports should be removed in 2.x when the "declare namespace Popper" syntax is removed.
export type Padding = Popper.Padding;
export type Position = Popper.Position;
export type Placement = Popper.Placement;
export type Boundary = Popper.Boundary;
export type Behavior = Popper.Behavior;
export type ModifierFn = Popper.ModifierFn;
export type BaseModifier = Popper.BaseModifier;
export type Modifiers = Popper.Modifiers;
export type Offset = Popper.Offset;
export type Data = Popper.Data;
export type PopperOptions = Popper.PopperOptions;
export type ReferenceObject = Popper.ReferenceObject;
declare class Popper {
static modifiers: (BaseModifier & { name: string })[];
static placements: Placement[];
static Defaults: PopperOptions;
options: PopperOptions;
popper: Element;
reference: Element | ReferenceObject;
constructor(reference: Element | ReferenceObject, popper: Element, options?: PopperOptions);
destroy(): void;
update(): void;
scheduleUpdate(): void;
enableEventListeners(): void;
disableEventListeners(): void;
export default Popper;
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
// @flow
export type Position = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
export type Placement =
| 'auto-start'
| 'auto'
| 'auto-end'
| 'top-start'
| 'top'
| 'top-end'
| 'right-start'
| 'right'
| 'right-end'
| 'bottom-end'
| 'bottom'
| 'bottom-start'
| 'left-end'
| 'left'
| 'left-start';
export type Offset = {
top: number,
left: number,
width: number,
height: number,
position: Position,
export type Boundary = 'scrollParent' | 'viewport' | 'window';
export type Behavior = 'flip' | 'clockwise' | 'counterclockwise';
export type Data = {
instance: Popper,
placement: Placement,
originalPlacement: Placement,
flipped: boolean,
hide: boolean,
arrowElement: Element,
styles: CSSStyleDeclaration,
arrowStyles: CSSStyleDeclaration,
boundaries: Object,
offsets: {
popper: Offset,
reference: Offset,
arrow: {
top: number,
left: number,
export type ModifierFn = (data: Data, options: Object) => Data;
export type Padding = {
top?: number,
bottom?: number,
left?: number,
right?: number,
export type BaseModifier = {
order?: number,
enabled?: boolean,
fn?: ModifierFn,
export type Modifiers = {
shift?: BaseModifier,
offset?: BaseModifier & {
offset?: number | string,
preventOverflow?: BaseModifier & {
priority?: Position[],
padding?: number | Padding,
boundariesElement?: Boundary | Element,
escapeWithReference?: boolean,
keepTogether?: BaseModifier,
arrow?: BaseModifier & {
element?: string | Element | null,
flip?: BaseModifier & {
behavior?: Behavior | Position[],
padding?: number | Padding,
boundariesElement?: Boundary | Element,
flipVariations?: boolean,
flipVariationsByContent?: boolean,
inner?: BaseModifier,
hide?: BaseModifier,
applyStyle?: BaseModifier & {
onLoad?: Function,
gpuAcceleration?: boolean,
computeStyle?: BaseModifier & {
gpuAcceleration?: boolean,
x?: 'bottom' | 'top',
y?: 'left' | 'right',
[name: string]: (BaseModifier & { [string]: * }) | null,
export type Options = {
placement?: Placement,
positionFixed?: boolean,
eventsEnabled?: boolean,
modifiers?: Modifiers,
removeOnDestroy?: boolean,
onCreate?: (data: Data) => void,
onUpdate?: (data: Data) => void,
export type ReferenceObject = {
+clientHeight: number,
+clientWidth: number,
+referenceNode?: Node,
| ClientRect
| {
width: number,
height: number,
top: number,
right: number,
bottom: number,
left: number,
export type Instance = {
destroy: () => void,
scheduleUpdate: () => void,
update: () => void,
enableEventListeners: () => void,
disableEventListeners: () => void,
declare class Popper {
static placements: Placement;
popper: Element;
reference: Element | ReferenceObject;
reference: Element | ReferenceObject,
popper: Element,
options?: Options
): Instance;
declare export default typeof Popper;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
// Utils
import debounce from './utils/debounce';
import isFunction from './utils/isFunction';
// Methods
import update from './methods/update';
import destroy from './methods/destroy';
import enableEventListeners from './methods/enableEventListeners';
import disableEventListeners from './methods/disableEventListeners';
import Defaults from './methods/defaults';
import placements from './methods/placements';
export default class Popper {
* Creates a new Popper.js instance.
* @class Popper
* @param {Element|referenceObject} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
* @param {Element} popper - The HTML / XML element used as the popper
* @param {Object} options - Your custom options to override the ones defined in [Defaults](#defaults)
* @return {Object} instance - The generated Popper.js instance
constructor(reference, popper, options = {}) {
// make update() debounced, so that it only runs at most once-per-tick
this.update = debounce(this.update.bind(this));
// with {} we create a new object with the options inside it
this.options = { ...Popper.Defaults, ...options };
// init state
this.state = {
isDestroyed: false,
isCreated: false,
scrollParents: [],
// get reference and popper elements (allow jQuery wrappers)
this.reference = reference && reference.jquery ? reference[0] : reference;
this.popper = popper && popper.jquery ? popper[0] : popper;
// Deep merge modifiers options
this.options.modifiers = {};
}).forEach(name => {
this.options.modifiers[name] = {
// If it's a built-in modifier, use it as base
...(Popper.Defaults.modifiers[name] || {}),
// If there are custom options, override and merge with default ones
...(options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : {}),
// Refactoring modifiers' list (Object => Array)
this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers)
.map(name => ({
// sort the modifiers by order
.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order);
// modifiers have the ability to execute arbitrary code when Popper.js get inited
// such code is executed in the same order of its modifier
// they could add new properties to their options configuration
// BE AWARE: don't add options to `` but to `modifierOptions`!
this.modifiers.forEach(modifierOptions => {
if (modifierOptions.enabled && isFunction(modifierOptions.onLoad)) {
// fire the first update to position the popper in the right place
const eventsEnabled = this.options.eventsEnabled;
if (eventsEnabled) {
// setup event listeners, they will take care of update the position in specific situations
this.state.eventsEnabled = eventsEnabled;
// We can't use class properties because they don't get listed in the
// class prototype and break stuff like Sinon stubs
update() {
destroy() {
enableEventListeners() {
disableEventListeners() {
* Schedules an update. It will run on the next UI update available.
* @method scheduleUpdate
* @memberof Popper
scheduleUpdate = () => requestAnimationFrame(this.update);
* Collection of utilities useful when writing custom modifiers.
* Starting from version 1.7, this method is available only if you
* include `popper-utils.js` before `popper.js`.
* **DEPRECATION**: This way to access PopperUtils is deprecated
* and will be removed in v2! Use the PopperUtils module directly instead.
* Due to the high instability of the methods contained in Utils, we can't
* guarantee them to follow semver. Use them at your own risk!
* @static
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @deprecated since version 1.8
* @member Utils
* @memberof Popper
static Utils = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global).PopperUtils;
static placements = placements;
static Defaults = Defaults;
* The `referenceObject` is an object that provides an interface compatible with Popper.js
* and lets you use it as replacement of a real DOM node.<br />
* You can use this method to position a popper relatively to a set of coordinates
* in case you don't have a DOM node to use as reference.
* ```
* new Popper(referenceObject, popperNode);
* ```
* NB: This feature isn't supported in Internet Explorer 10.
* @name referenceObject
* @property {Function} data.getBoundingClientRect
* A function that returns a set of coordinates compatible with the native `getBoundingClientRect` method.
* @property {number} data.clientWidth
* An ES6 getter that will return the width of the virtual reference element.
* @property {number} data.clientHeight
* An ES6 getter that will return the height of the virtual reference element.
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
import modifiers from '../modifiers/index';
* Default options provided to Popper.js constructor.<br />
* These can be overridden using the `options` argument of Popper.js.<br />
* To override an option, simply pass an object with the same
* structure of the `options` object, as the 3rd argument. For example:
* ```
* new Popper(ref, pop, {
* modifiers: {
* preventOverflow: { enabled: false }
* }
* })
* ```
* @type {Object}
* @static
* @memberof Popper
export default {
* Popper's placement.
* @prop {Popper.placements} placement='bottom'
placement: 'bottom',
* Set this to true if you want popper to position it self in 'fixed' mode
* @prop {Boolean} positionFixed=false
positionFixed: false,
* Whether events (resize, scroll) are initially enabled.
* @prop {Boolean} eventsEnabled=true
eventsEnabled: true,
* Set to true if you want to automatically remove the popper when
* you call the `destroy` method.
* @prop {Boolean} removeOnDestroy=false
removeOnDestroy: false,
* Callback called when the popper is created.<br />
* By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
* Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
* @prop {onCreate}
onCreate: () => {},
* Callback called when the popper is updated. This callback is not called
* on the initialization/creation of the popper, but only on subsequent
* updates.<br />
* By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
* Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
* @prop {onUpdate}
onUpdate: () => {},
* List of modifiers used to modify the offsets before they are applied to the popper.
* They provide most of the functionalities of Popper.js.
* @prop {modifiers}
* @callback onCreate
* @param {dataObject} data
* @callback onUpdate
* @param {dataObject} data
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
import isModifierEnabled from '../utils/isModifierEnabled';
import getSupportedPropertyName from '../utils/getSupportedPropertyName';
* Destroys the popper.
* @method
* @memberof Popper
export default function destroy() {
this.state.isDestroyed = true;
// touch DOM only if `applyStyle` modifier is enabled
if (isModifierEnabled(this.modifiers, 'applyStyle')) {
|||||| = '';
|||||| = '';
|||||| = '';
|||||| = '';
|||||| = '';
|||||| = '';
||||||[getSupportedPropertyName('transform')] = '';
// remove the popper if user explicitly asked for the deletion on destroy
// do not use `remove` because IE11 doesn't support it
if (this.options.removeOnDestroy) {
return this;
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
import removeEventListeners from '../utils/removeEventListeners';
* It will remove resize/scroll events and won't recalculate popper position
* when they are triggered. It also won't trigger `onUpdate` callback anymore,
* unless you call `update` method manually.
* @method
* @memberof Popper
export default function disableEventListeners() {
if (this.state.eventsEnabled) {
this.state = removeEventListeners(this.reference, this.state);
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
import setupEventListeners from '../utils/setupEventListeners';
* It will add resize/scroll events and start recalculating
* position of the popper element when they are triggered.
* @method
* @memberof Popper
export default function enableEventListeners() {
if (!this.state.eventsEnabled) {
this.state = setupEventListeners(
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
* List of accepted placements to use as values of the `placement` option.<br />
* Valid placements are:
* - `auto`
* - `top`
* - `right`
* - `bottom`
* - `left`
* Each placement can have a variation from this list:
* - `-start`
* - `-end`
* Variations are interpreted easily if you think of them as the left to right
* written languages. Horizontally (`top` and `bottom`), `start` is left and `end`
* is right.<br />
* Vertically (`left` and `right`), `start` is top and `end` is bottom.
* Some valid examples are:
* - `top-end` (on top of reference, right aligned)
* - `right-start` (on right of reference, top aligned)
* - `bottom` (on bottom, centered)
* - `auto-end` (on the side with more space available, alignment depends by placement)
* @static
* @type {Array}
* @enum {String}
* @readonly
* @method placements
* @memberof Popper
export default [
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
import computeAutoPlacement from '../utils/computeAutoPlacement';
import getReferenceOffsets from '../utils/getReferenceOffsets';
import getPopperOffsets from '../utils/getPopperOffsets';
import runModifiers from '../utils/runModifiers';
* Updates the position of the popper, computing the new offsets and applying
* the new style.<br />
* Prefer `scheduleUpdate` over `update` because of performance reasons.
* @method
* @memberof Popper
export default function update() {
// if popper is destroyed, don't perform any further update
if (this.state.isDestroyed) {
let data = {
instance: this,
styles: {},
arrowStyles: {},
attributes: {},
flipped: false,
offsets: {},
// compute reference element offsets
data.offsets.reference = getReferenceOffsets(
// compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
// modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
// and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
data.placement = computeAutoPlacement(
// store the computed placement inside `originalPlacement`
data.originalPlacement = data.placement;
data.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed;
// compute the popper offsets
data.offsets.popper = getPopperOffsets(
data.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed
? 'fixed'
: 'absolute';
// run the modifiers
data = runModifiers(this.modifiers, data);
// the first `update` will call `onCreate` callback
// the other ones will call `onUpdate` callback
if (!this.state.isCreated) {
this.state.isCreated = true;
} else {
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
import setStyles from '../utils/setStyles';
import setAttributes from '../utils/setAttributes';
import getReferenceOffsets from '../utils/getReferenceOffsets';
import computeAutoPlacement from '../utils/computeAutoPlacement';
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} data.styles - List of style properties - values to apply to popper element
* @argument {Object} data.attributes - List of attribute properties - values to apply to popper element
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The same data object
export default function applyStyle(data) {
// any property present in `data.styles` will be applied to the popper,
// in this way we can make the 3rd party modifiers add custom styles to it
// Be aware, modifiers could override the properties defined in the previous
// lines of this modifier!
setStyles(data.instance.popper, data.styles);
// any property present in `data.attributes` will be applied to the popper,
// they will be set as HTML attributes of the element
setAttributes(data.instance.popper, data.attributes);
// if arrowElement is defined and arrowStyles has some properties
if (data.arrowElement && Object.keys(data.arrowStyles).length) {
setStyles(data.arrowElement, data.arrowStyles);
return data;
* Set the x-placement attribute before everything else because it could be used
* to add margins to the popper margins needs to be calculated to get the
* correct popper offsets.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.modifiers
* @param {HTMLElement} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
* @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper
* @param {Object} options - Popper.js options
export function applyStyleOnLoad(
) {
// compute reference element offsets
const referenceOffsets = getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference, options.positionFixed);
// compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
// modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
// and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
const placement = computeAutoPlacement(
popper.setAttribute('x-placement', placement);
// Apply `position` to popper before anything else because
// without the position applied we can't guarantee correct computations
setStyles(popper, { position: options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' });
return options;
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
import getClientRect from '../utils/getClientRect';
import getOuterSizes from '../utils/getOuterSizes';
import isModifierRequired from '../utils/isModifierRequired';
import getStyleComputedProperty from '../utils/getStyleComputedProperty';
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function arrow(data, options) {
// arrow depends on keepTogether in order to work
if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'arrow', 'keepTogether')) {
return data;
let arrowElement = options.element;
// if arrowElement is a string, suppose it's a CSS selector
if (typeof arrowElement === 'string') {
arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);
// if arrowElement is not found, don't run the modifier
if (!arrowElement) {
return data;
} else {
// if the arrowElement isn't a query selector we must check that the
// provided DOM node is child of its popper node
if (!data.instance.popper.contains(arrowElement)) {
'WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!'
return data;
const placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
const { popper, reference } = data.offsets;
const isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
const len = isVertical ? 'height' : 'width';
const sideCapitalized = isVertical ? 'Top' : 'Left';
const side = sideCapitalized.toLowerCase();
const altSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
const opSide = isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';
const arrowElementSize = getOuterSizes(arrowElement)[len];
// extends keepTogether behavior making sure the popper and its
// reference have enough pixels in conjunction
// top/left side
if (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize < popper[side]) {
data.offsets.popper[side] -=
popper[side] - (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize);
// bottom/right side
if (reference[side] + arrowElementSize > popper[opSide]) {
data.offsets.popper[side] +=
reference[side] + arrowElementSize - popper[opSide];
data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
// compute center of the popper
const center = reference[side] + reference[len] / 2 - arrowElementSize / 2;
// Compute the sideValue using the updated popper offsets
// take popper margin in account because we don't have this info available
const css = getStyleComputedProperty(data.instance.popper);
const popperMarginSide = parseFloat(css[`margin${sideCapitalized}`]);
const popperBorderSide = parseFloat(css[`border${sideCapitalized}Width`]);
let sideValue =
center - data.offsets.popper[side] - popperMarginSide - popperBorderSide;
// prevent arrowElement from being placed not contiguously to its popper
sideValue = Math.max(Math.min(popper[len] - arrowElementSize, sideValue), 0);
data.arrowElement = arrowElement;
data.offsets.arrow = {
[side]: Math.round(sideValue),
[altSide]: '', // make sure to unset any eventual altSide value from the DOM node
return data;
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
import getSupportedPropertyName from '../utils/getSupportedPropertyName';
import find from '../utils/find';
import getOffsetParent from '../utils/getOffsetParent';
import getBoundingClientRect from '../utils/getBoundingClientRect';
import getRoundedOffsets from '../utils/getRoundedOffsets';
import isBrowser from '../utils/isBrowser';
const isFirefox = isBrowser && /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function computeStyle(data, options) {
const { x, y } = options;
const { popper } = data.offsets;
// Remove this legacy support in Popper.js v2
const legacyGpuAccelerationOption = find(
modifier => === 'applyStyle'
if (legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined) {
'WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!'
const gpuAcceleration =
legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined
? legacyGpuAccelerationOption
: options.gpuAcceleration;
const offsetParent = getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
const offsetParentRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);
// Styles
const styles = {
position: popper.position,
const offsets = getRoundedOffsets(
window.devicePixelRatio < 2 || !isFirefox
const sideA = x === 'bottom' ? 'top' : 'bottom';
const sideB = y === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
// if gpuAcceleration is set to `true` and transform is supported,
// we use `translate3d` to apply the position to the popper we
// automatically use the supported prefixed version if needed
const prefixedProperty = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
// now, let's make a step back and look at this code closely (wtf?)
// If the content of the popper grows once it's been positioned, it
// may happen that the popper gets misplaced because of the new content
// overflowing its reference element
// To avoid this problem, we provide two options (x and y), which allow
// the consumer to define the offset origin.
// If we position a popper on top of a reference element, we can set
// `x` to `top` to make the popper grow towards its top instead of
// its bottom.
let left, top;
if (sideA === 'bottom') {
// when offsetParent is <html> the positioning is relative to the bottom of the screen (excluding the scrollbar)
// and not the bottom of the html element
if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
top = -offsetParent.clientHeight + offsets.bottom;
} else {
top = -offsetParentRect.height + offsets.bottom;
} else {
top =;
if (sideB === 'right') {
if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
left = -offsetParent.clientWidth + offsets.right;
} else {
left = -offsetParentRect.width + offsets.right;
} else {
left = offsets.left;
if (gpuAcceleration && prefixedProperty) {
styles[prefixedProperty] = `translate3d(${left}px, ${top}px, 0)`;
styles[sideA] = 0;
styles[sideB] = 0;
styles.willChange = 'transform';
} else {
// othwerise, we use the standard `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` properties
const invertTop = sideA === 'bottom' ? -1 : 1;
const invertLeft = sideB === 'right' ? -1 : 1;
styles[sideA] = top * invertTop;
styles[sideB] = left * invertLeft;
styles.willChange = `${sideA}, ${sideB}`;
// Attributes
const attributes = {
'x-placement': data.placement,
// Update `data` attributes, styles and arrowStyles
data.attributes = { ...attributes, };
data.styles = { ...styles, };
data.arrowStyles = {, };
return data;
@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
import getOppositePlacement from '../utils/getOppositePlacement';
import getOppositeVariation from '../utils/getOppositeVariation';
import getPopperOffsets from '../utils/getPopperOffsets';
import runModifiers from '../utils/runModifiers';
import getBoundaries from '../utils/getBoundaries';
import isModifierEnabled from '../utils/isModifierEnabled';
import clockwise from '../utils/clockwise';
const BEHAVIORS = {
FLIP: 'flip',
CLOCKWISE: 'clockwise',
COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 'counterclockwise',
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function flip(data, options) {
// if `inner` modifier is enabled, we can't use the `flip` modifier
if (isModifierEnabled(data.instance.modifiers, 'inner')) {
return data;
if (data.flipped && data.placement === data.originalPlacement) {
// seems like flip is trying to loop, probably there's not enough space on any of the flippable sides
return data;
const boundaries = getBoundaries(
let placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
let placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
let variation = data.placement.split('-')[1] || '';
let flipOrder = [];
switch (options.behavior) {
flipOrder = [placement, placementOpposite];
flipOrder = clockwise(placement);
flipOrder = clockwise(placement, true);
flipOrder = options.behavior;
flipOrder.forEach((step, index) => {
if (placement !== step || flipOrder.length === index + 1) {
return data;
placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
const popperOffsets = data.offsets.popper;
const refOffsets = data.offsets.reference;
// using floor because the reference offsets may contain decimals we are not going to consider here
const floor = Math.floor;
const overlapsRef =
(placement === 'left' &&
floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(refOffsets.left)) ||
(placement === 'right' &&
floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(refOffsets.right)) ||
(placement === 'top' &&
floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor( ||
(placement === 'bottom' &&
floor( < floor(refOffsets.bottom));
const overflowsLeft = floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(boundaries.left);
const overflowsRight = floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(boundaries.right);
const overflowsTop = floor( < floor(;
const overflowsBottom =
floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(boundaries.bottom);
const overflowsBoundaries =
(placement === 'left' && overflowsLeft) ||
(placement === 'right' && overflowsRight) ||
(placement === 'top' && overflowsTop) ||
(placement === 'bottom' && overflowsBottom);
// flip the variation if required
const isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
// flips variation if reference element overflows boundaries
const flippedVariationByRef =
!!options.flipVariations &&
((isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsLeft) ||
(isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsRight) ||
(!isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsTop) ||
(!isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsBottom));
// flips variation if popper content overflows boundaries
const flippedVariationByContent =
!!options.flipVariationsByContent &&
((isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsRight) ||
(isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsLeft) ||
(!isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsBottom) ||
(!isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsTop));
const flippedVariation = flippedVariationByRef || flippedVariationByContent;
if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries || flippedVariation) {
// this boolean to detect any flip loop
data.flipped = true;
if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries) {
placement = flipOrder[index + 1];
if (flippedVariation) {
variation = getOppositeVariation(variation);
data.placement = placement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
// this object contains `position`, we want to preserve it along with
// any additional property we may add in the future
data.offsets.popper = {
data = runModifiers(data.instance.modifiers, data, 'flip');
return data;
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
import isModifierRequired from '../utils/isModifierRequired';
import find from '../utils/find';
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function hide(data) {
if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'hide', 'preventOverflow')) {
return data;
const refRect = data.offsets.reference;
const bound = find(
modifier => === 'preventOverflow'
if (
refRect.bottom < ||
refRect.left > bound.right ||
|||||| > bound.bottom ||
refRect.right < bound.left
) {
// Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
if (data.hide === true) {
return data;
data.hide = true;
data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = '';
} else {
// Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
if (data.hide === false) {
return data;
data.hide = false;
data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = false;
return data;
@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
import applyStyle, { applyStyleOnLoad } from './applyStyle';
import computeStyle from './computeStyle';
import arrow from './arrow';
import flip from './flip';
import keepTogether from './keepTogether';
import offset from './offset';
import preventOverflow from './preventOverflow';
import shift from './shift';
import hide from './hide';
import inner from './inner';
* Modifier function, each modifier can have a function of this type assigned
* to its `fn` property.<br />
* These functions will be called on each update, this means that you must
* make sure they are performant enough to avoid performance bottlenecks.
* @function ModifierFn
* @argument {dataObject} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {dataObject} The data object, properly modified
* Modifiers are plugins used to alter the behavior of your poppers.<br />
* Popper.js uses a set of 9 modifiers to provide all the basic functionalities
* needed by the library.
* Usually you don't want to override the `order`, `fn` and `onLoad` props.
* All the other properties are configurations that could be tweaked.
* @namespace modifiers
export default {
* Modifier used to shift the popper on the start or end of its reference
* element.<br />
* It will read the variation of the `placement` property.<br />
* It can be one either `-end` or `-start`.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
shift: {
/** @prop {number} order=100 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 100,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: shift,
* The `offset` modifier can shift your popper on both its axis.
* It accepts the following units:
* - `px` or unit-less, interpreted as pixels
* - `%` or `%r`, percentage relative to the length of the reference element
* - `%p`, percentage relative to the length of the popper element
* - `vw`, CSS viewport width unit
* - `vh`, CSS viewport height unit
* For length is intended the main axis relative to the placement of the popper.<br />
* This means that if the placement is `top` or `bottom`, the length will be the
* `width`. In case of `left` or `right`, it will be the `height`.
* You can provide a single value (as `Number` or `String`), or a pair of values
* as `String` divided by a comma or one (or more) white spaces.<br />
* The latter is a deprecated method because it leads to confusion and will be
* removed in v2.<br />
* Additionally, it accepts additions and subtractions between different units.
* Note that multiplications and divisions aren't supported.
* Valid examples are:
* ```
* 10
* '10%'
* '10, 10'
* '10%, 10'
* '10 + 10%'
* '10 - 5vh + 3%'
* '-10px + 5vh, 5px - 6%'
* ```
* > **NB**: If you desire to apply offsets to your poppers in a way that may make them overlap
* > with their reference element, unfortunately, you will have to disable the `flip` modifier.
* > You can read more on this at this [issue](
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
offset: {
/** @prop {number} order=200 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 200,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: offset,
/** @prop {Number|String} offset=0
* The offset value as described in the modifier description
offset: 0,
* Modifier used to prevent the popper from being positioned outside the boundary.
* A scenario exists where the reference itself is not within the boundaries.<br />
* We can say it has "escaped the boundaries" — or just "escaped".<br />
* In this case we need to decide whether the popper should either:
* - detach from the reference and remain "trapped" in the boundaries, or
* - if it should ignore the boundary and "escape with its reference"
* When `escapeWithReference` is set to`true` and reference is completely
* outside its boundaries, the popper will overflow (or completely leave)
* the boundaries in order to remain attached to the edge of the reference.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
preventOverflow: {
/** @prop {number} order=300 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 300,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: preventOverflow,
* @prop {Array} [priority=['left','right','top','bottom']]
* Popper will try to prevent overflow following these priorities by default,
* then, it could overflow on the left and on top of the `boundariesElement`
priority: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],
* @prop {number} padding=5
* Amount of pixel used to define a minimum distance between the boundaries
* and the popper. This makes sure the popper always has a little padding
* between the edges of its container
padding: 5,
* @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='scrollParent'
* Boundaries used by the modifier. Can be `scrollParent`, `window`,
* `viewport` or any DOM element.
boundariesElement: 'scrollParent',
* Modifier used to make sure the reference and its popper stay near each other
* without leaving any gap between the two. Especially useful when the arrow is
* enabled and you want to ensure that it points to its reference element.
* It cares only about the first axis. You can still have poppers with margin
* between the popper and its reference element.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
keepTogether: {
/** @prop {number} order=400 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 400,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: keepTogether,
* This modifier is used to move the `arrowElement` of the popper to make
* sure it is positioned between the reference element and its popper element.
* It will read the outer size of the `arrowElement` node to detect how many
* pixels of conjunction are needed.
* It has no effect if no `arrowElement` is provided.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
arrow: {
/** @prop {number} order=500 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 500,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: arrow,
/** @prop {String|HTMLElement} element='[x-arrow]' - Selector or node used as arrow */
element: '[x-arrow]',
* Modifier used to flip the popper's placement when it starts to overlap its
* reference element.
* Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
* **NOTE:** this modifier will interrupt the current update cycle and will
* restart it if it detects the need to flip the placement.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
flip: {
/** @prop {number} order=600 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 600,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: flip,
* @prop {String|Array} behavior='flip'
* The behavior used to change the popper's placement. It can be one of
* `flip`, `clockwise`, `counterclockwise` or an array with a list of valid
* placements (with optional variations)
behavior: 'flip',
* @prop {number} padding=5
* The popper will flip if it hits the edges of the `boundariesElement`
padding: 5,
* @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='viewport'
* The element which will define the boundaries of the popper position.
* The popper will never be placed outside of the defined boundaries
* (except if `keepTogether` is enabled)
boundariesElement: 'viewport',
* @prop {Boolean} flipVariations=false
* The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when
* the reference element overlaps its boundaries.
* The original placement should have a set variation.
flipVariations: false,
* @prop {Boolean} flipVariationsByContent=false
* The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when
* the popper element overlaps its reference boundaries.
* The original placement should have a set variation.
flipVariationsByContent: false,
* Modifier used to make the popper flow toward the inner of the reference element.
* By default, when this modifier is disabled, the popper will be placed outside
* the reference element.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
inner: {
/** @prop {number} order=700 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 700,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=false - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: false,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: inner,
* Modifier used to hide the popper when its reference element is outside of the
* popper boundaries. It will set a `x-out-of-boundaries` attribute which can
* be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is
* out of boundaries.
* Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
hide: {
/** @prop {number} order=800 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 800,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: hide,
* Computes the style that will be applied to the popper element to gets
* properly positioned.
* Note that this modifier will not touch the DOM, it just prepares the styles
* so that `applyStyle` modifier can apply it. This separation is useful
* in case you need to replace `applyStyle` with a custom implementation.
* This modifier has `850` as `order` value to maintain backward compatibility
* with previous versions of Popper.js. Expect the modifiers ordering method
* to change in future major versions of the library.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
computeStyle: {
/** @prop {number} order=850 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 850,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: computeStyle,
* @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
* If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
* Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
gpuAcceleration: true,
* @prop {string} [x='bottom']
* Where to anchor the X axis (`bottom` or `top`). AKA X offset origin.
* Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `bottom`
x: 'bottom',
* @prop {string} [x='left']
* Where to anchor the Y axis (`left` or `right`). AKA Y offset origin.
* Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `right`
y: 'right',
* Applies the computed styles to the popper element.
* All the DOM manipulations are limited to this modifier. This is useful in case
* you want to integrate Popper.js inside a framework or view library and you
* want to delegate all the DOM manipulations to it.
* Note that if you disable this modifier, you must make sure the popper element
* has its position set to `absolute` before Popper.js can do its work!
* Just disable this modifier and define your own to achieve the desired effect.
* @memberof modifiers
* @inner
applyStyle: {
/** @prop {number} order=900 - Index used to define the order of execution */
order: 900,
/** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
enabled: true,
/** @prop {ModifierFn} */
fn: applyStyle,
/** @prop {Function} */
onLoad: applyStyleOnLoad,
* @deprecated since version 1.10.0, the property moved to `computeStyle` modifier
* @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
* If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
* Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
gpuAcceleration: undefined,
* The `dataObject` is an object containing all the information used by Popper.js.
* This object is passed to modifiers and to the `onCreate` and `onUpdate` callbacks.
* @name dataObject
* @property {Object} data.instance The Popper.js instance
* @property {String} data.placement Placement applied to popper
* @property {String} data.originalPlacement Placement originally defined on init
* @property {Boolean} data.flipped True if popper has been flipped by flip modifier
* @property {Boolean} data.hide True if the reference element is out of boundaries, useful to know when to hide the popper
* @property {HTMLElement} data.arrowElement Node used as arrow by arrow modifier
* @property {Object} data.styles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
* @property {Object} data.arrowStyles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper arrow. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
* @property {Object} data.boundaries Offsets of the popper boundaries
* @property {Object} data.offsets The measurements of popper, reference and arrow elements
* @property {Object} data.offsets.popper `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
* @property {Object} data.offsets.reference `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
* @property {Object} data.offsets.arrow] `top` and `left` offsets, only one of them will be different from 0
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
import getClientRect from '../utils/getClientRect';
import getOppositePlacement from '../utils/getOppositePlacement';
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function inner(data) {
const placement = data.placement;
const basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
const { popper, reference } = data.offsets;
const isHoriz = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
const subtractLength = ['top', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) === -1;
popper[isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top'] =
reference[basePlacement] -
(subtractLength ? popper[isHoriz ? 'width' : 'height'] : 0);
data.placement = getOppositePlacement(placement);
data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(popper);
return data;
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function keepTogether(data) {
const { popper, reference } = data.offsets;
const placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
const floor = Math.floor;
const isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
const side = isVertical ? 'right' : 'bottom';
const opSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
const measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
if (popper[side] < floor(reference[opSide])) {
data.offsets.popper[opSide] =
floor(reference[opSide]) - popper[measurement];
if (popper[opSide] > floor(reference[side])) {
data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[side]);
return data;
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
import isNumeric from '../utils/isNumeric';
import getClientRect from '../utils/getClientRect';
import find from '../utils/find';
* Converts a string containing value + unit into a px value number
* @function
* @memberof {modifiers~offset}
* @private
* @argument {String} str - Value + unit string
* @argument {String} measurement - `height` or `width`
* @argument {Object} popperOffsets
* @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
* @returns {Number|String}
* Value in pixels, or original string if no values were extracted
export function toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets) {
// separate value from unit
const split = str.match(/((?:\-|\+)?\d*\.?\d*)(.*)/);
const value = +split[1];
const unit = split[2];
// If it's not a number it's an operator, I guess
if (!value) {
return str;
if (unit.indexOf('%') === 0) {
let element;
switch (unit) {
case '%p':
element = popperOffsets;
case '%':
case '%r':
element = referenceOffsets;
const rect = getClientRect(element);
return rect[measurement] / 100 * value;
} else if (unit === 'vh' || unit === 'vw') {
// if is a vh or vw, we calculate the size based on the viewport
let size;
if (unit === 'vh') {
size = Math.max(
window.innerHeight || 0
} else {
size = Math.max(
window.innerWidth || 0
return size / 100 * value;
} else {
// if is an explicit pixel unit, we get rid of the unit and keep the value
// if is an implicit unit, it's px, and we return just the value
return value;
* Parse an `offset` string to extrapolate `x` and `y` numeric offsets.
* @function
* @memberof {modifiers~offset}
* @private
* @argument {String} offset
* @argument {Object} popperOffsets
* @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
* @argument {String} basePlacement
* @returns {Array} a two cells array with x and y offsets in numbers
export function parseOffset(
) {
const offsets = [0, 0];
// Use height if placement is left or right and index is 0 otherwise use width
// in this way the first offset will use an axis and the second one
// will use the other one
const useHeight = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
// Split the offset string to obtain a list of values and operands
// The regex addresses values with the plus or minus sign in front (+10, -20, etc)
const fragments = offset.split(/(\+|\-)/).map(frag => frag.trim());
// Detect if the offset string contains a pair of values or a single one
// they could be separated by comma or space
const divider = fragments.indexOf(
find(fragments, frag =>,|\s/) !== -1)
if (fragments[divider] && fragments[divider].indexOf(',') === -1) {
'Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead.'
// If divider is found, we divide the list of values and operands to divide
// them by ofset X and Y.
const splitRegex = /\s*,\s*|\s+/;
let ops = divider !== -1
? [
.slice(0, divider)
fragments.slice(divider + 1)
: [fragments];
// Convert the values with units to absolute pixels to allow our computations
ops =, index) => {
// Most of the units rely on the orientation of the popper
const measurement = (index === 1 ? !useHeight : useHeight)
? 'height'
: 'width';
let mergeWithPrevious = false;
return (
// This aggregates any `+` or `-` sign that aren't considered operators
// e.g.: 10 + +5 => [10, +, +5]
.reduce((a, b) => {
if (a[a.length - 1] === '' && ['+', '-'].indexOf(b) !== -1) {
a[a.length - 1] = b;
mergeWithPrevious = true;
return a;
} else if (mergeWithPrevious) {
a[a.length - 1] += b;
mergeWithPrevious = false;
return a;
} else {
return a.concat(b);
}, [])
// Here we convert the string values into number values (in px)
.map(str => toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets))
// Loop trough the offsets arrays and execute the operations
ops.forEach((op, index) => {
op.forEach((frag, index2) => {
if (isNumeric(frag)) {
offsets[index] += frag * (op[index2 - 1] === '-' ? -1 : 1);
return offsets;
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @argument {Number|String} options.offset=0
* The offset value as described in the modifier description
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function offset(data, { offset }) {
const { placement, offsets: { popper, reference } } = data;
const basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
let offsets;
if (isNumeric(+offset)) {
offsets = [+offset, 0];
} else {
offsets = parseOffset(offset, popper, reference, basePlacement);
if (basePlacement === 'left') {
|||||| += offsets[0];
popper.left -= offsets[1];
} else if (basePlacement === 'right') {
|||||| += offsets[0];
popper.left += offsets[1];
} else if (basePlacement === 'top') {
popper.left += offsets[0];
|||||| -= offsets[1];
} else if (basePlacement === 'bottom') {
popper.left += offsets[0];
|||||| += offsets[1];
data.popper = popper;
return data;
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
import getOffsetParent from '../utils/getOffsetParent';
import getBoundaries from '../utils/getBoundaries';
import getSupportedPropertyName from '../utils/getSupportedPropertyName';
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function preventOverflow(data, options) {
let boundariesElement =
options.boundariesElement || getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
// If offsetParent is the reference element, we really want to
// go one step up and use the next offsetParent as reference to
// avoid to make this modifier completely useless and look like broken
if (data.instance.reference === boundariesElement) {
boundariesElement = getOffsetParent(boundariesElement);
// NOTE: DOM access here
// resets the popper's position so that the document size can be calculated excluding
// the size of the popper element itself
const transformProp = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
const popperStyles =; // assignment to help minification
const { top, left, [transformProp]: transform } = popperStyles;
|||||| = '';
popperStyles.left = '';
popperStyles[transformProp] = '';
const boundaries = getBoundaries(
// NOTE: DOM access here
// restores the original style properties after the offsets have been computed
|||||| = top;
popperStyles.left = left;
popperStyles[transformProp] = transform;
options.boundaries = boundaries;
const order = options.priority;
let popper = data.offsets.popper;
const check = {
primary(placement) {
let value = popper[placement];
if (
popper[placement] < boundaries[placement] &&
) {
value = Math.max(popper[placement], boundaries[placement]);
return { [placement]: value };
secondary(placement) {
const mainSide = placement === 'right' ? 'left' : 'top';
let value = popper[mainSide];
if (
popper[placement] > boundaries[placement] &&
) {
value = Math.min(
boundaries[placement] -
(placement === 'right' ? popper.width : popper.height)
return { [mainSide]: value };
order.forEach(placement => {
const side =
['left', 'top'].indexOf(placement) !== -1 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';
popper = { ...popper, ...check[side](placement) };
data.offsets.popper = popper;
return data;
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
* @function
* @memberof Modifiers
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function shift(data) {
const placement = data.placement;
const basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
const shiftvariation = placement.split('-')[1];
// if shift shiftvariation is specified, run the modifier
if (shiftvariation) {
const { reference, popper } = data.offsets;
const isVertical = ['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
const side = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
const measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
const shiftOffsets = {
start: { [side]: reference[side] },
end: {
[side]: reference[side] + reference[measurement] - popper[measurement],
data.offsets.popper = { ...popper, ...shiftOffsets[shiftvariation] };
return data;
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import placements from '../methods/placements';
// Get rid of `auto` `auto-start` and `auto-end`
const validPlacements = placements.slice(3);
* Given an initial placement, returns all the subsequent placements
* clockwise (or counter-clockwise).
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {String} placement - A valid placement (it accepts variations)
* @argument {Boolean} counter - Set to true to walk the placements counterclockwise
* @returns {Array} placements including their variations
export default function clockwise(placement, counter = false) {
const index = validPlacements.indexOf(placement);
const arr = validPlacements
.slice(index + 1)
.concat(validPlacements.slice(0, index));
return counter ? arr.reverse() : arr;
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
import getBoundaries from '../utils/getBoundaries';
function getArea({ width, height }) {
return width * height;
* Utility used to transform the `auto` placement to the placement with more
* available space.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
* @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
* @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
export default function computeAutoPlacement(
padding = 0
) {
if (placement.indexOf('auto') === -1) {
return placement;
const boundaries = getBoundaries(
const rects = {
top: {
width: boundaries.width,
height: -,
right: {
width: boundaries.right - refRect.right,
height: boundaries.height,
bottom: {
width: boundaries.width,
height: boundaries.bottom - refRect.bottom,
left: {
width: refRect.left - boundaries.left,
height: boundaries.height,
const sortedAreas = Object.keys(rects)
.map(key => ({
area: getArea(rects[key]),
.sort((a, b) => b.area - a.area);
const filteredAreas = sortedAreas.filter(
({ width, height }) =>
width >= popper.clientWidth && height >= popper.clientHeight
const computedPlacement = filteredAreas.length > 0
? filteredAreas[0].key
: sortedAreas[0].key;
const variation = placement.split('-')[1];
return computedPlacement + (variation ? `-${variation}` : '');
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
import isBrowser from './isBrowser';
const timeoutDuration = (function(){
const longerTimeoutBrowsers = ['Edge', 'Trident', 'Firefox'];
for (let i = 0; i < longerTimeoutBrowsers.length; i += 1) {
if (isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(longerTimeoutBrowsers[i]) >= 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
export function microtaskDebounce(fn) {
let called = false
return () => {
if (called) {
called = true
window.Promise.resolve().then(() => {
called = false
export function taskDebounce(fn) {
let scheduled = false;
return () => {
if (!scheduled) {
scheduled = true;
setTimeout(() => {
scheduled = false;
}, timeoutDuration);
const supportsMicroTasks = isBrowser && window.Promise
* Create a debounced version of a method, that's asynchronously deferred
* but called in the minimum time possible.
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Function} fn
* @returns {Function}
export default (supportsMicroTasks
? microtaskDebounce
: taskDebounce);
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
* Mimics the `find` method of Array
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Array} arr
* @argument prop
* @argument value
* @returns index or -1
export default function find(arr, check) {
// use native find if supported
if (Array.prototype.find) {
return arr.find(check);
// use `filter` to obtain the same behavior of `find`
return arr.filter(check)[0];
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
import isOffsetContainer from './isOffsetContainer';
import getRoot from './getRoot';
import getOffsetParent from './getOffsetParent';
* Finds the offset parent common to the two provided nodes
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element1
* @argument {Element} element2
* @returns {Element} common offset parent
export default function findCommonOffsetParent(element1, element2) {
// This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
if (!element1 || !element1.nodeType || !element2 || !element2.nodeType) {
return document.documentElement;
// Here we make sure to give as "start" the element that comes first in the DOM
const order =
element1.compareDocumentPosition(element2) &
const start = order ? element1 : element2;
const end = order ? element2 : element1;
// Get common ancestor container
const range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(start, 0);
range.setEnd(end, 0);
const { commonAncestorContainer } = range;
// Both nodes are inside #document
if (
(element1 !== commonAncestorContainer &&
element2 !== commonAncestorContainer) ||
) {
if (isOffsetContainer(commonAncestorContainer)) {
return commonAncestorContainer;
return getOffsetParent(commonAncestorContainer);
// one of the nodes is inside shadowDOM, find which one
const element1root = getRoot(element1);
if ( {
return findCommonOffsetParent(, element2);
} else {
return findCommonOffsetParent(element1, getRoot(element2).host);
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
import find from './find';
* Return the index of the matching object
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Array} arr
* @argument prop
* @argument value
* @returns index or -1
export default function findIndex(arr, prop, value) {
// use native findIndex if supported
if (Array.prototype.findIndex) {
return arr.findIndex(cur => cur[prop] === value);
// use `find` + `indexOf` if `findIndex` isn't supported
const match = find(arr, obj => obj[prop] === value);
return arr.indexOf(match);
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
* Helper to detect borders of a given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles
* Result of `getStyleComputedProperty` on the given element
* @param {String} axis - `x` or `y`
* @return {number} borders - The borders size of the given axis
export default function getBordersSize(styles, axis) {
const sideA = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top';
const sideB = sideA === 'Left' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom';
return (
parseFloat(styles[`border${sideA}Width`]) +
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
import getScrollParent from './getScrollParent';
import getParentNode from './getParentNode';
import getReferenceNode from './getReferenceNode';
import findCommonOffsetParent from './findCommonOffsetParent';
import getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode from './getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode';
import getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode from './getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode';
import getWindowSizes from './getWindowSizes';
import isFixed from './isFixed';
import getFixedPositionOffsetParent from './getFixedPositionOffsetParent';
* Computed the boundaries limits and return them
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {HTMLElement} popper
* @param {HTMLElement} reference
* @param {number} padding
* @param {HTMLElement} boundariesElement - Element used to define the boundaries
* @param {Boolean} fixedPosition - Is in fixed position mode
* @returns {Object} Coordinates of the boundaries
export default function getBoundaries(
fixedPosition = false
) {
// NOTE: 1 DOM access here
let boundaries = { top: 0, left: 0 };
const offsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));
// Handle viewport case
if (boundariesElement === 'viewport' ) {
boundaries = getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(offsetParent, fixedPosition);
else {
// Handle other cases based on DOM element used as boundaries
let boundariesNode;
if (boundariesElement === 'scrollParent') {
boundariesNode = getScrollParent(getParentNode(reference));
if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {
boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
} else if (boundariesElement === 'window') {
boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
} else {
boundariesNode = boundariesElement;
const offsets = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(
// In case of HTML, we need a different computation
if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'HTML' && !isFixed(offsetParent)) {
const { height, width } = getWindowSizes(popper.ownerDocument);
|||||| += - offsets.marginTop;
boundaries.bottom = height +;
boundaries.left += offsets.left - offsets.marginLeft;
boundaries.right = width + offsets.left;
} else {
// for all the other DOM elements, this one is good
boundaries = offsets;
// Add paddings
padding = padding || 0;
const isPaddingNumber = typeof padding === 'number';
boundaries.left += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.left || 0;
|||||| += isPaddingNumber ? padding : || 0;
boundaries.right -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.right || 0;
boundaries.bottom -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.bottom || 0;
return boundaries;
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
import getStyleComputedProperty from './getStyleComputedProperty';
import getBordersSize from './getBordersSize';
import getWindowSizes from './getWindowSizes';
import getScroll from './getScroll';
import getClientRect from './getClientRect';
import isIE from './isIE';
* Get bounding client rect of given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @return {Object} client rect
export default function getBoundingClientRect(element) {
let rect = {};
// IE10 10 FIX: Please, don't ask, the element isn't
// considered in DOM in some circumstances...
// This isn't reproducible in IE10 compatibility mode of IE11
try {
if (isIE(10)) {
rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
const scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
|||||| += scrollTop;
rect.left += scrollLeft;
rect.bottom += scrollTop;
rect.right += scrollLeft;
else {
rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const result = {
left: rect.left,
width: rect.right - rect.left,
height: rect.bottom -,
// subtract scrollbar size from sizes
const sizes = element.nodeName === 'HTML' ? getWindowSizes(element.ownerDocument) : {};
const width =
sizes.width || element.clientWidth || result.width;
const height =
sizes.height || element.clientHeight || result.height;
let horizScrollbar = element.offsetWidth - width;
let vertScrollbar = element.offsetHeight - height;
// if an hypothetical scrollbar is detected, we must be sure it's not a `border`
// we make this check conditional for performance reasons
if (horizScrollbar || vertScrollbar) {
const styles = getStyleComputedProperty(element);
horizScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'x');
vertScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'y');
result.width -= horizScrollbar;
result.height -= vertScrollbar;
return getClientRect(result);
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Given element offsets, generate an output similar to getBoundingClientRect
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Object} offsets
* @returns {Object} ClientRect like output
export default function getClientRect(offsets) {
return {
right: offsets.left + offsets.width,
bottom: + offsets.height,
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import getStyleComputedProperty from './getStyleComputedProperty';
import isIE from './isIE';
* Finds the first parent of an element that has a transformed property defined
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Element} first transformed parent or documentElement
export default function getFixedPositionOffsetParent(element) {
// This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
if (!element || !element.parentElement || isIE()) {
return document.documentElement;
let el = element.parentElement;
while (el && getStyleComputedProperty(el, 'transform') === 'none') {
el = el.parentElement;
return el || document.documentElement;
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
import getStyleComputedProperty from './getStyleComputedProperty';
import isIE from './isIE';
* Returns the offset parent of the given element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Element} offset parent
export default function getOffsetParent(element) {
if (!element) {
return document.documentElement;
const noOffsetParent = isIE(10) ? document.body : null;
// NOTE: 1 DOM access here
let offsetParent = element.offsetParent || null;
// Skip hidden elements which don't have an offsetParent
while (offsetParent === noOffsetParent && element.nextElementSibling) {
offsetParent = (element = element.nextElementSibling).offsetParent;
const nodeName = offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeName;
if (!nodeName || nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
return element ? element.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement;
// .offsetParent will return the closest TH, TD or TABLE in case
// no offsetParent is present, I hate this job...
if (
['TH', 'TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(offsetParent.nodeName) !== -1 &&
getStyleComputedProperty(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static'
) {
return getOffsetParent(offsetParent);
return offsetParent;
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
import getWindowSizes from './getWindowSizes';
import getClientRect from './getClientRect';
* Get the position of the given element, relative to its offset parent
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {Element} element
* @return {Object} position - Coordinates of the element and its `scrollTop`
export default function getOffsetRect(element) {
let elementRect;
if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
const { width, height } = getWindowSizes(element.ownerDocument);
elementRect = {
left: 0,
top: 0,
} else {
elementRect = {
width: element.offsetWidth,
height: element.offsetHeight,
left: element.offsetLeft,
top: element.offsetTop,
// position
return getClientRect(elementRect);
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
import getStyleComputedProperty from './getStyleComputedProperty';
import includeScroll from './includeScroll';
import getScrollParent from './getScrollParent';
import getBoundingClientRect from './getBoundingClientRect';
import runIsIE from './isIE';
import getClientRect from './getClientRect';
export default function getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(children, parent, fixedPosition = false) {
const isIE10 = runIsIE(10);
const isHTML = parent.nodeName === 'HTML';
const childrenRect = getBoundingClientRect(children);
const parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent);
const scrollParent = getScrollParent(children);
const styles = getStyleComputedProperty(parent);
const borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth);
const borderLeftWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderLeftWidth);
// In cases where the parent is fixed, we must ignore negative scroll in offset calc
if(fixedPosition && isHTML) {
|||||| = Math.max(, 0);
parentRect.left = Math.max(parentRect.left, 0);
let offsets = getClientRect({
top: - - borderTopWidth,
left: childrenRect.left - parentRect.left - borderLeftWidth,
width: childrenRect.width,
height: childrenRect.height,
offsets.marginTop = 0;
offsets.marginLeft = 0;
// Subtract margins of documentElement in case it's being used as parent
// we do this only on HTML because it's the only element that behaves
// differently when margins are applied to it. The margins are included in
// the box of the documentElement, in the other cases not.
if (!isIE10 && isHTML) {
const marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop);
const marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft);
|||||| -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
offsets.bottom -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
offsets.left -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
offsets.right -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
// Attach marginTop and marginLeft because in some circumstances we may need them
offsets.marginTop = marginTop;
offsets.marginLeft = marginLeft;
if (
isIE10 && !fixedPosition
? parent.contains(scrollParent)
: parent === scrollParent && scrollParent.nodeName !== 'BODY'
) {
offsets = includeScroll(offsets, parent);
return offsets;
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
* Get the opposite placement of the given one
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {String} placement
* @returns {String} flipped placement
export default function getOppositePlacement(placement) {
const hash = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };
return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, matched => hash[matched]);
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
* Get the opposite placement variation of the given one
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {String} placement variation
* @returns {String} flipped placement variation
export default function getOppositeVariation(variation) {
if (variation === 'end') {
return 'start';
} else if (variation === 'start') {
return 'end';
return variation;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
* Get the outer sizes of the given element (offset size + margins)
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Object} object containing width and height properties
export default function getOuterSizes(element) {
const window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
const x = parseFloat(styles.marginTop || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom || 0);
const y = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight || 0);
const result = {
width: element.offsetWidth + y,
height: element.offsetHeight + x,
return result;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
* Returns the parentNode or the host of the element
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @argument {Element} element
* @returns {Element} parent
export default function getParentNode(element) {
if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
return element;
return element.parentNode ||;
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
import getOuterSizes from './getOuterSizes';
import getOppositePlacement from './getOppositePlacement';
* Get offsets to the popper
* @method
* @memberof Popper.Utils
* @param {Object} position - CSS position the Popper will get applied
* @param {HTMLElement} popper - the popper element
* @param {Object} referenceOffsets - the reference offsets (the popper will be relative to this)
* @param {String} placement - one of the valid placement options
* @returns {Object} popperOffsets - An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
export default function getPopperOffsets(popper, referenceOffsets, placement) {
placement = placement.split('-')[0];
// Get popper node sizes
const popperRect = getOuterSizes(popper);
// Add position, width and height to our offsets object
const popperOffsets = {
width: popperRect.width,
height: popperRect.height,
// depending by the popper placement we have to compute its offsets slightly differently
const isHoriz = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
const mainSide = isHoriz ? 'top' : 'left';
const secondarySide = isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top';
const measurement = isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
const secondaryMeasurement = !isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
popperOffsets[mainSide] =
referenceOffsets[mainSide] +
referenceOffsets[measurement] / 2 -
popperRect[measurement] / 2;
if (placement === secondarySide) {
popperOffsets[secondarySide] =
referenceOffsets[secondarySide] - popperRect[secondaryMeasurement];
} else {
popperOffsets[secondarySide] =
return popperOffsets;
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