context.Blogs.FromSql("SELECT * FROM dbo.Blogs").OrderBy(b => b.Name)
- context.Blogs.FromSql("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[SearchBlogs]({0})", userSuppliedSearchTerm)
- context.Blogs.FromSql("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[SearchBlogs]({@searchTerm})", new SqlParameter("@searchTerm", userSuppliedSearchTerm))
- public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
- {
- var connectionString = "connection string to database";
- services
- .AddEntityFrameworkSqlite()
- .AddDbContext<MyContext>((serviceProvider, options) =>
- options.UseSqlite(connectionString)
- .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider));
- }
- optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings =>
- warnings.Default(WarningBehavior.Ignore)
- .Log(CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning, CoreEventId.ModelValidationWarning)
- .Throw(RelationalEventId.QueryClientEvaluationWarning))
- optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings =>
- warnings.Default(WarningBehavior.Ignore)
- .Log(CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning, CoreEventId.ModelValidationWarning)
- .Throw(RelationalEventId.QueryClientEvaluationWarning))
- var blogs = context.Blogs
- .Where(b => EF.Property<DateTime>(b, "LastUpdated") > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5))
- context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts);
- context.Blogs
- .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags);
- context.Blogs
- .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo)
- .Include(blog => blog.Contributors);
- context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts);
- context.Blogs
- .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags);
- context.Blogs
- .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo)
- .Include(blog => blog.Contributors);
- context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts);
- context.Blogs
- .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags);
- context.Blogs
- .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo)
- .Include(blog => blog.Contributors);
- context.Blogs.Include("Posts");
- context.Blogs.Include("Posts.Tags");
- context.Blogs
- .Include("Posts.Tags.TagInfo')
- .Include("Contributors");
- public IServiceCollection ConfigureDesignTimeServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
- The name of the assembly that contains the design time services.
- The NuGet package name that contains the design time services.
- public IServiceCollection ConfigureDesignTimeServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
- public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
- {
- var connectionString = "connection string to database";
- services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
- }
- public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
- {
- var connectionString = "connection string to database";
- services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
- }
- public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
- {
- var connectionString = "connection string to database";
- services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(ServiceLifetime.Scoped);
- }
- public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
- {
- var connectionString = "connection string to database";
- services
- .AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer()
- .AddDbContext<MyContext>((serviceProvider, options) =>
- options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)
- .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider));
- }
- true
if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false
if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false
if the specified false
if the specified false
- The second null
- true
if the value of false
- The second null
- true
if the value of false
if false
if false
if the String.Empty
if the
- [BaseTypeRequired(typeof(IComponent)] // Specify requirement
- public class ComponentAttribute : Attribute
- {}
- [Component] // ComponentAttribute requires implementing IComponent interface
- public class MyComponent : IComponent
- {}
- Function definition table syntax:
- ("o", o);
- }
- ]]>
- In some other cases, the input value is returned unmodified. This makes it easier to use the argument checks in calls to base class constructors
- or property setters:
- var query = from s in Students
- join a in Addresses on s.AdressID equals a.ID into addresses
- from a in addresses
- select new { s, a };
- var query = from s in Students
- join a in Addresses on s.AdressID equals a.ID
- select new { s, a };
- var result = (from s in Students
- select s).Aggregate(0, (totalAge, s) => totalAge + s.Age);
- var result = (from s in Students
- select s.Name).Aggregate((allNames, name) => allNames + " " + name);
- var result = (from s in Students
- select s).All();
- var result = (from s in Students
- select s).Any();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s.ID).Average();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s.ID).Cast<int>();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Concat(students2);
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Contains (student);
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Count();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).DefaultIfEmpty ("student");
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Distinct();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Except(students2);
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).First();
- var query = from s in Students
- where s.First == "Hugo"
- group s by s.Country;
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Intersect(students2);
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Last();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).LongCount();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s.ID).Max();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s.ID).Min();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s.ID).OfType<int>();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Reverse();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Single();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Skip (3);
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s.ID).Sum();
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Take(3);
- var query = (from s in Students
- select s).Union(students2);
- var query = from s in Students
- where s.First == "Hugo"
- select s;
- MainSource (...)
- .Select (x => x)
- .Distinct ()
- .Select (x => x)
- Naively, the last Select node would resolve (via Distinct and Select) to the
- MainSource (MainSource (...).Select (x => x).Distinct ())
- .Select (x => x)
- Now, the last Select node resolves to the new
- x.GroupBy (k => key, e => element, (k, g) => result)
- is therefore equivalent to:
- c.GroupBy (k => key, e => element).Select (grouping => resultSub)
- where resultSub is the same as result with k and g substituted with grouping.Key and grouping, respectively.
- from order in ...
- select order.OrderItems.Count()
- In this query, the
- from c in Customers
- from o in (from oi in OrderInfos where oi.Customer == c orderby oi.OrderDate select oi.Order)
- orderby o.Product.Name
- select new { c, o }
- This will be transformed into:
- from c in Customers
- from oi in OrderInfos
- where oi.Customer == c
- orderby oi.OrderDate
- orderby oi.Order.Product.Name
- select new { c, oi.Order }
- As another example, take the following query:
- from c in (from o in Orders select o.Customer)
- where c.Name.StartsWith ("Miller")
- select c
- (This query is never produced by the
- from o in Orders
- where o.Customer.Name.StartsWith ("Miller")
- select o