Microsoft.Extensions.Options Implementation of IConfigureOptions. Constructor. The action to register. The configuration action. Invokes the registered configure Action. Represents something that configures the TOptions type. Invoked to configure a TOptions instance. The options instance to configure. Used to retreive configured TOptions instances. The type of options being requested. The configured TOptions instance. Used to fetch IChangeTokens used for tracking options changes. Returns a IChangeToken which can be used to register a change notification callback. Used for notifications when TOptions instances change. The options type. Returns the current TOptions instance. Registers a listener to be called whenever TOptions changes. The action to be invoked when TOptions has changed. An IDisposable which should be disposed to stop listening for changes. Used to access the value of TOptions for the lifetime of a request. Returns the value of the TOptions which will be computed once Helper class. Creates a wrapper around an instance of TOptions to return itself as an IOptions. Implementation of IOptions. Initializes a new instance with the specified options configurations. The configuration actions to run. The configured options instance. Implementation of IOptionsMonitor. Constructor. The configuration actions to run on an options instance. The sources used to listen for changes to the options instance. The present value of the options. Registers a listener to be called whenever TOptions changes. The action to be invoked when TOptions has changed. An IDisposable which should be disposed to stop listening for changes. Implementation of IOptionsSnapshot. Initializes a new instance. The monitor to fetch the options value from. The configured options instance. IOptions wrapper that returns the options instance. Intializes the wrapper with the options instance to return. The options instance to return. The options instance. Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because it is either abstract or an interface. Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because it is either abstract or an interface. Failed to convert '{0}' to type '{1}'. Failed to convert '{0}' to type '{1}'. Failed to create instance of type '{0}'. Failed to create instance of type '{0}'. Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because it is missing a public parameterless constructor. Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because it is missing a public parameterless constructor. Extension methods for adding options services to the DI container. Adds services required for using options. The to add the services to. The so that additional calls can be chained. Registers an action used to configure a particular type of options. The options type to be configured. The to add the services to. The action used to configure the options. The so that additional calls can be chained.